/* * Test program for gzifstream and gzofstream * * by Ludwig Schwardt * original version by Kevin Ruland */ #include "zfstream.h" #include // for cout int main() { gzofstream outf; gzifstream inf; char buf[80]; outf.open("test1.txt.gz"); outf << "The quick brown fox sidestepped the lazy canine\n" << 1.3 << "\nPlan " << 9 << std::endl; outf.close(); std::cout << "Wrote the following message to 'test1.txt.gz' (check with zcat or zless):\n" << "The quick brown fox sidestepped the lazy canine\n" << 1.3 << "\nPlan " << 9 << std::endl; std::cout << "\nReading 'test1.txt.gz' (buffered) produces:\n"; inf.open("test1.txt.gz"); while (inf.getline(buf,80,'\n')) { std::cout << buf << "\t(" << inf.rdbuf()->in_avail() << " chars left in buffer)\n"; } inf.close(); outf.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(0,0); outf.open("test2.txt.gz"); outf << setcompression(Z_NO_COMPRESSION) << "The quick brown fox sidestepped the lazy canine\n" << 1.3 << "\nPlan " << 9 << std::endl; outf.close(); std::cout << "\nWrote the same message to 'test2.txt.gz' in uncompressed form"; std::cout << "\nReading 'test2.txt.gz' (unbuffered) produces:\n"; inf.rdbuf()->pubsetbuf(0,0); inf.open("test2.txt.gz"); while (inf.getline(buf,80,'\n')) { std::cout << buf << "\t(" << inf.rdbuf()->in_avail() << " chars left in buffer)\n"; } inf.close(); return 0; }