/* ** Copyright (c) 2008 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** This file contains code to implement the file browser web interface. */ #include "config.h" #include "browse.h" #include /* ** This is the implementation of the "pathelement(X,N)" SQL function. ** ** If X is a unix-like pathname (with "/" separators) and N is an ** integer, then skip the initial N characters of X and return the ** name of the path component that begins on the N+1th character ** (numbered from 0). If the path component is a directory (if ** it is followed by other path components) then prepend "/". ** ** Examples: ** ** pathelement('abc/pqr/xyz', 4) -> '/pqr' ** pathelement('abc/pqr', 4) -> 'pqr' ** pathelement('abc/pqr/xyz', 0) -> '/abc' */ void pathelementFunc( sqlite3_context *context, int argc, sqlite3_value **argv ){ const unsigned char *z; int len, n, i; char *zOut; assert( argc==2 ); z = sqlite3_value_text(argv[0]); if( z==0 ) return; len = sqlite3_value_bytes(argv[0]); n = sqlite3_value_int(argv[1]); if( len<=n ) return; if( n>0 && z[n-1]!='/' ) return; for(i=n; i", zSep, zLink, j-i, &zPath[i]); }else{ char *zLink = href("%R/%s?name=%#T%s", zURI, j, zPath, zREx); blob_appendf(pOut, "%s%z%#h", zSep, zLink, j-i, &zPath[i]); } }else{ blob_appendf(pOut, "%s%#h", zSep, j-i, &zPath[i]); } zSep = "/"; while( zPath[j]=='/' ){ j++; } } } /* ** WEBPAGE: dir ** ** Show the files and subdirectories within a single directory of the ** source tree. Only files for a single check-in are shown if the ci= ** query parameter is present. If ci= is missing, the union of files ** across all check-ins is shown. ** ** Query parameters: ** ** name=PATH Directory to display. Optional. Top-level if missing ** ci=LABEL Show only files in this check-in. Optional. ** type=TYPE TYPE=flat: use this display ** TYPE=tree: use the /tree display instead */ void page_dir(void){ char *zD = fossil_strdup(P("name")); int nD = zD ? strlen(zD)+1 : 0; int mxLen; int nCol, nRow; int cnt, i; char *zPrefix; Stmt q; const char *zCI = P("ci"); int rid = 0; char *zUuid = 0; Blob dirname; Manifest *pM = 0; const char *zSubdirLink; int linkTrunk = 1; int linkTip = 1; HQuery sURI; if( strcmp(PD("type","flat"),"tree")==0 ){ page_tree(); return; } login_check_credentials(); if( !g.perm.Read ){ login_needed(g.anon.Read); return; } while( nD>1 && zD[nD-2]=='/' ){ zD[(--nD)-1] = 0; } style_header("File List"); style_adunit_config(ADUNIT_RIGHT_OK); sqlite3_create_function(g.db, "pathelement", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, pathelementFunc, 0, 0); url_initialize(&sURI, "dir"); cgi_query_parameters_to_url(&sURI); /* If the name= parameter is an empty string, make it a NULL pointer */ if( zD && strlen(zD)==0 ){ zD = 0; } /* If a specific check-in is requested, fetch and parse it. If the ** specific check-in does not exist, clear zCI. zCI==0 will cause all ** files from all check-ins to be displayed. */ if( zCI ){ pM = manifest_get_by_name(zCI, &rid); if( pM ){ int trunkRid = symbolic_name_to_rid("tag:trunk", "ci"); linkTrunk = trunkRid && rid != trunkRid; linkTip = rid != symbolic_name_to_rid("tip", "ci"); zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); }else{ zCI = 0; } } /* Compute the title of the page */ blob_zero(&dirname); if( zD ){ blob_append(&dirname, "in directory ", -1); hyperlinked_path(zD, &dirname, zCI, "dir", ""); zPrefix = mprintf("%s/", zD); style_submenu_element("Top-Level", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "name", 0, 0, 0)); }else{ blob_append(&dirname, "in the top-level directory", -1); zPrefix = ""; } if( linkTrunk ){ style_submenu_element("Trunk", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "ci", "trunk", 0, 0)); } if( linkTip ){ style_submenu_element("Tip", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "ci", "tip", 0, 0)); } if( zCI ){ @

Files of check-in [%z(href("vinfo?name=%!S",zUuid))%S(zUuid)] @ %s(blob_str(&dirname)) if( zD ){ @   %z(href("%R/timeline?chng=%T/*", zD))[history] } @

zSubdirLink = mprintf("%R/dir?ci=%!S&name=%T", zUuid, zPrefix); if( nD==0 ){ style_submenu_element("File Ages", "%R/fileage?name=%!S", zUuid); } }else{ @

The union of all files from all check-ins @ %s(blob_str(&dirname)) if( zD ){ @   %z(href("%R/timeline?chng=%T/*", zD))[history] } @

zSubdirLink = mprintf("%R/dir?name=%T", zPrefix); } style_submenu_element("All", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "ci", 0, 0, 0)); style_submenu_element("Tree-View", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "type", "tree", 0, 0)); /* Compute the temporary table "localfiles" containing the names ** of all files and subdirectories in the zD[] directory. ** ** Subdirectory names begin with "/". This causes them to sort ** first and it also gives us an easy way to distinguish files ** from directories in the loop that follows. */ db_multi_exec( "CREATE TEMP TABLE localfiles(x UNIQUE NOT NULL, u);" ); if( zCI ){ Stmt ins; ManifestFile *pFile; ManifestFile *pPrev = 0; int nPrev = 0; int c; db_prepare(&ins, "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO localfiles VALUES(pathelement(:x,0), :u)" ); manifest_file_rewind(pM); while( (pFile = manifest_file_next(pM,0))!=0 ){ if( nD>0 && (fossil_strncmp(pFile->zName, zD, nD-1)!=0 || pFile->zName[nD-1]!='/') ){ continue; } if( pPrev && fossil_strncmp(&pFile->zName[nD],&pPrev->zName[nD],nPrev)==0 && (pFile->zName[nD+nPrev]==0 || pFile->zName[nD+nPrev]=='/') ){ continue; } db_bind_text(&ins, ":x", &pFile->zName[nD]); db_bind_text(&ins, ":u", pFile->zUuid); db_step(&ins); db_reset(&ins); pPrev = pFile; for(nPrev=0; (c=pPrev->zName[nD+nPrev]) && c!='/'; nPrev++){} if( c=='/' ) nPrev++; } db_finalize(&ins); }else if( zD ){ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO localfiles" " SELECT pathelement(name,%d), NULL FROM filename" " WHERE name GLOB '%q/*'", nD, zD ); }else{ db_multi_exec( "INSERT OR IGNORE INTO localfiles" " SELECT pathelement(name,0), NULL FROM filename" ); } /* Generate a multi-column table listing the contents of zD[] ** directory. */ mxLen = db_int(12, "SELECT max(length(x)) FROM localfiles /*scan*/"); cnt = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM localfiles /*scan*/"); if( mxLen<12 ) mxLen = 12; nCol = 100/mxLen; if( nCol<1 ) nCol = 1; if( nCol>5 ) nCol = 5; nRow = (cnt+nCol-1)/nCol; db_prepare(&q, "SELECT x, u FROM localfiles ORDER BY x /*scan*/"); @
    i = 0; while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zFN; if( i==nRow ){ @
    i = 0; } i++; zFN = db_column_text(&q, 0); if( zFN[0]=='/' ){ zFN++; @
  • %z(href("%s%T",zSubdirLink,zFN))%h(zFN)
  • }else{ const char *zLink; if( zCI ){ const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q, 1); zLink = href("%R/artifact/%!S",zUuid); }else{ zLink = href("%R/finfo?name=%T%T",zPrefix,zFN); } @
  • %z(zLink)%h(zFN)
  • } } db_finalize(&q); manifest_destroy(pM); @
/* If the directory contains a readme file, then display its content below ** the list of files */ db_prepare(&q, "SELECT x, u FROM localfiles" " WHERE x COLLATE nocase IN" " ('readme','readme.txt','readme.md','readme.wiki','readme.markdown'," " 'readme.html') ORDER BY x LIMIT 1;" ); if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zName = db_column_text(&q,0); const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q,1); if( zUuid ){ rid = fast_uuid_to_rid(zUuid); }else{ if( zD ){ rid = db_int(0, "SELECT fid FROM filename, mlink, event" " WHERE name='%q/%q'" " AND mlink.fnid=filename.fnid" " AND event.objid=mlink.mid" " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC LIMIT 1", zD, zName ); }else{ rid = db_int(0, "SELECT fid FROM filename, mlink, event" " WHERE name='%q'" " AND mlink.fnid=filename.fnid" " AND event.objid=mlink.mid" " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC LIMIT 1", zName ); } } if( rid ){ @
if( sqlite3_strlike("readme.html", zName, 0)==0 ){ if( zUuid==0 ){ zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); } @ }else{ Blob content; const char *zMime = mimetype_from_name(zName); content_get(rid, &content); wiki_render_by_mimetype(&content, zMime); } } } db_finalize(&q); style_footer(); } /* ** Objects used by the "tree" webpage. */ typedef struct FileTreeNode FileTreeNode; typedef struct FileTree FileTree; /* ** A single line of the file hierarchy */ struct FileTreeNode { FileTreeNode *pNext; /* Next entry in an ordered list of them all */ FileTreeNode *pParent; /* Directory containing this entry */ FileTreeNode *pSibling; /* Next element in the same subdirectory */ FileTreeNode *pChild; /* List of child nodes */ FileTreeNode *pLastChild; /* Last child on the pChild list */ char *zName; /* Name of this entry. The "tail" */ char *zFullName; /* Full pathname of this entry */ char *zUuid; /* Artifact hash of this file. May be NULL. */ double mtime; /* Modification time for this entry */ unsigned nFullName; /* Length of zFullName */ unsigned iLevel; /* Levels of parent directories */ }; /* ** A complete file hierarchy */ struct FileTree { FileTreeNode *pFirst; /* First line of the list */ FileTreeNode *pLast; /* Last line of the list */ FileTreeNode *pLastTop; /* Last top-level node */ }; /* ** Add one or more new FileTreeNodes to the FileTree object so that the ** leaf object zPathname is at the end of the node list. ** ** The caller invokes this routine once for each leaf node (each file ** as opposed to each directory). This routine fills in any missing ** intermediate nodes automatically. ** ** When constructing a list of FileTreeNodes, all entries that have ** a common directory prefix must be added consecutively in order for ** the tree to be constructed properly. */ static void tree_add_node( FileTree *pTree, /* Tree into which nodes are added */ const char *zPath, /* The full pathname of file to add */ const char *zUuid, /* Hash of the file. Might be NULL. */ double mtime /* Modification time for this entry */ ){ int i; FileTreeNode *pParent; /* Parent (directory) of the next node to insert */ /* Make pParent point to the most recent ancestor of zPath, or ** NULL if there are no prior entires that are a container for zPath. */ pParent = pTree->pLast; while( pParent!=0 && ( strncmp(pParent->zFullName, zPath, pParent->nFullName)!=0 || zPath[pParent->nFullName]!='/' ) ){ pParent = pParent->pParent; } i = pParent ? pParent->nFullName+1 : 0; while( zPath[i] ){ FileTreeNode *pNew; int iStart = i; int nByte; while( zPath[i] && zPath[i]!='/' ){ i++; } nByte = sizeof(*pNew) + i + 1; if( zUuid!=0 && zPath[i]==0 ) nByte += HNAME_MAX+1; pNew = fossil_malloc( nByte ); memset(pNew, 0, sizeof(*pNew)); pNew->zFullName = (char*)&pNew[1]; memcpy(pNew->zFullName, zPath, i); pNew->zFullName[i] = 0; pNew->nFullName = i; if( zUuid!=0 && zPath[i]==0 ){ pNew->zUuid = pNew->zFullName + i + 1; memcpy(pNew->zUuid, zUuid, strlen(zUuid)+1); } pNew->zName = pNew->zFullName + iStart; if( pTree->pLast ){ pTree->pLast->pNext = pNew; }else{ pTree->pFirst = pNew; } pTree->pLast = pNew; pNew->pParent = pParent; if( pParent ){ if( pParent->pChild ){ pParent->pLastChild->pSibling = pNew; }else{ pParent->pChild = pNew; } pNew->iLevel = pParent->iLevel + 1; pParent->pLastChild = pNew; }else{ if( pTree->pLastTop ) pTree->pLastTop->pSibling = pNew; pTree->pLastTop = pNew; } pNew->mtime = mtime; while( zPath[i]=='/' ){ i++; } pParent = pNew; } while( pParent && pParent->pParent ){ if( pParent->pParent->mtime < pParent->mtime ){ pParent->pParent->mtime = pParent->mtime; } pParent = pParent->pParent; } } /* Comparison function for two FileTreeNode objects. Sort first by ** mtime (larger numbers first) and then by zName (smaller names first). ** ** Return negative if pLeftpRight. ** Return zero if pLeft==pRight. */ static int compareNodes(FileTreeNode *pLeft, FileTreeNode *pRight){ if( pLeft->mtime>pRight->mtime ) return -1; if( pLeft->mtimemtime ) return +1; return fossil_stricmp(pLeft->zName, pRight->zName); } /* Merge together two sorted lists of FileTreeNode objects */ static FileTreeNode *mergeNodes(FileTreeNode *pLeft, FileTreeNode *pRight){ FileTreeNode *pEnd; FileTreeNode base; pEnd = &base; while( pLeft && pRight ){ if( compareNodes(pLeft,pRight)<=0 ){ pEnd = pEnd->pSibling = pLeft; pLeft = pLeft->pSibling; }else{ pEnd = pEnd->pSibling = pRight; pRight = pRight->pSibling; } } if( pLeft ){ pEnd->pSibling = pLeft; }else{ pEnd->pSibling = pRight; } return base.pSibling; } /* Sort a list of FileTreeNode objects in mtime order. */ static FileTreeNode *sortNodesByMtime(FileTreeNode *p){ FileTreeNode *a[30]; FileTreeNode *pX; int i; memset(a, 0, sizeof(a)); while( p ){ pX = p; p = pX->pSibling; pX->pSibling = 0; for(i=0; ipSibling){ if( pX->pChild ) pX->pChild = sortTreeByMtime(pX->pChild); } return sortNodesByMtime(p); } /* Reconstruct the FileTree by reconnecting the FileTreeNode.pNext ** fields in sequential order. */ static void relinkTree(FileTree *pTree, FileTreeNode *pRoot){ while( pRoot ){ if( pTree->pLast ){ pTree->pLast->pNext = pRoot; }else{ pTree->pFirst = pRoot; } pTree->pLast = pRoot; if( pRoot->pChild ) relinkTree(pTree, pRoot->pChild); pRoot = pRoot->pSibling; } if( pTree->pLast ) pTree->pLast->pNext = 0; } /* ** WEBPAGE: tree ** ** Show the files using a tree-view. If the ci= query parameter is present ** then show only the files for the check-in identified. If ci= is omitted, ** then show the union of files over all check-ins. ** ** The type=tree query parameter is required or else the /dir format is ** used. ** ** Query parameters: ** ** type=tree Required to prevent use of /dir format ** name=PATH Directory to display. Optional ** ci=LABEL Show only files in this check-in. Optional. ** re=REGEXP Show only files matching REGEXP. Optional. ** expand Begin with the tree fully expanded. ** nofiles Show directories (folders) only. Omit files. ** mtime Order directory elements by decreasing mtime */ void page_tree(void){ char *zD = fossil_strdup(P("name")); int nD = zD ? strlen(zD)+1 : 0; const char *zCI = P("ci"); int rid = 0; char *zUuid = 0; Blob dirname; Manifest *pM = 0; double rNow = 0; char *zNow = 0; int useMtime = atoi(PD("mtime","0")); int nFile = 0; /* Number of files (or folders with "nofiles") */ int linkTrunk = 1; /* include link to "trunk" */ int linkTip = 1; /* include link to "tip" */ const char *zRE; /* the value for the re=REGEXP query parameter */ const char *zObjType; /* "files" by default or "folders" for "nofiles" */ char *zREx = ""; /* Extra parameters for path hyperlinks */ ReCompiled *pRE = 0; /* Compiled regular expression */ FileTreeNode *p; /* One line of the tree */ FileTree sTree; /* The complete tree of files */ HQuery sURI; /* Hyperlink */ int startExpanded; /* True to start out with the tree expanded */ int showDirOnly; /* Show directories only. Omit files */ int nDir = 0; /* Number of directories. Used for ID attributes */ char *zProjectName = db_get("project-name", 0); if( strcmp(PD("type","flat"),"flat")==0 ){ page_dir(); return; } memset(&sTree, 0, sizeof(sTree)); login_check_credentials(); if( !g.perm.Read ){ login_needed(g.anon.Read); return; } while( nD>1 && zD[nD-2]=='/' ){ zD[(--nD)-1] = 0; } sqlite3_create_function(g.db, "pathelement", 2, SQLITE_UTF8, 0, pathelementFunc, 0, 0); url_initialize(&sURI, "tree"); cgi_query_parameters_to_url(&sURI); if( PB("nofiles") ){ showDirOnly = 1; style_header("Folder Hierarchy"); }else{ showDirOnly = 0; style_header("File Tree"); } style_adunit_config(ADUNIT_RIGHT_OK); if( PB("expand") ){ startExpanded = 1; }else{ startExpanded = 0; } /* If a regular expression is specified, compile it */ zRE = P("re"); if( zRE ){ re_compile(&pRE, zRE, 0); zREx = mprintf("&re=%T", zRE); } /* If the name= parameter is an empty string, make it a NULL pointer */ if( zD && strlen(zD)==0 ){ zD = 0; } /* If a specific check-in is requested, fetch and parse it. If the ** specific check-in does not exist, clear zCI. zCI==0 will cause all ** files from all check-ins to be displayed. */ if( zCI ){ pM = manifest_get_by_name(zCI, &rid); if( pM ){ int trunkRid = symbolic_name_to_rid("tag:trunk", "ci"); linkTrunk = trunkRid && rid != trunkRid; linkTip = rid != symbolic_name_to_rid("tip", "ci"); zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); rNow = db_double(0.0, "SELECT mtime FROM event WHERE objid=%d", rid); zNow = db_text("", "SELECT datetime(mtime,toLocal())" " FROM event WHERE objid=%d", rid); }else{ zCI = 0; } } if( zCI==0 ){ rNow = db_double(0.0, "SELECT max(mtime) FROM event"); zNow = db_text("", "SELECT datetime(max(mtime),toLocal()) FROM event"); } /* Compute the title of the page */ blob_zero(&dirname); if( zD ){ blob_append(&dirname, "within directory ", -1); hyperlinked_path(zD, &dirname, zCI, "tree", zREx); if( zRE ) blob_appendf(&dirname, " matching \"%s\"", zRE); style_submenu_element("Top-Level", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "name", 0, 0, 0)); }else{ if( zRE ){ blob_appendf(&dirname, "matching \"%s\"", zRE); } } style_submenu_binary("mtime","Sort By Time","Sort By Filename", 0); if( zCI ){ style_submenu_element("All", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "ci", 0, 0, 0)); if( nD==0 && !showDirOnly ){ style_submenu_element("File Ages", "%R/fileage?name=%s", zUuid); } } if( linkTrunk ){ style_submenu_element("Trunk", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "ci", "trunk", 0, 0)); } if( linkTip ){ style_submenu_element("Tip", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "ci", "tip", 0, 0)); } style_submenu_element("Flat-View", "%s", url_render(&sURI, "type", "flat", 0, 0)); /* Compute the file hierarchy. */ if( zCI ){ Stmt q; compute_fileage(rid, 0); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT filename.name, blob.uuid, fileage.mtime\n" " FROM fileage, filename, blob\n" " WHERE filename.fnid=fileage.fnid\n" " AND blob.rid=fileage.fid\n" " ORDER BY filename.name COLLATE nocase;" ); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zFile = db_column_text(&q,0); const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q,1); double mtime = db_column_double(&q,2); if( nD>0 && (fossil_strncmp(zFile, zD, nD-1)!=0 || zFile[nD-1]!='/') ){ continue; } if( pRE && re_match(pRE, (const unsigned char*)zFile, -1)==0 ) continue; tree_add_node(&sTree, zFile, zUuid, mtime); nFile++; } db_finalize(&q); }else{ Stmt q; db_prepare(&q, "SELECT filename.name, blob.uuid, max(event.mtime)\n" " FROM filename, mlink, blob, event\n" " WHERE mlink.fnid=filename.fnid\n" " AND event.objid=mlink.mid\n" " AND blob.rid=mlink.fid\n" " GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1 COLLATE nocase"); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zName = db_column_text(&q, 0); const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q,1); double mtime = db_column_double(&q,2); if( nD>0 && (fossil_strncmp(zName, zD, nD-1)!=0 || zName[nD-1]!='/') ){ continue; } if( pRE && re_match(pRE, (const u8*)zName, -1)==0 ) continue; tree_add_node(&sTree, zName, zUuid, mtime); nFile++; } db_finalize(&q); } if( showDirOnly ){ for(nFile=0, p=sTree.pFirst; p; p=p->pNext){ if( p->pChild!=0 && p->nFullName>nD ) nFile++; } zObjType = "Folders"; }else{ zObjType = "Files"; } style_submenu_checkbox("nofiles", "Folders Only", 0, 0); if( zCI ){ @

%s(zObjType) from if( sqlite3_strnicmp(zCI, zUuid, (int)strlen(zCI))!=0 ){ @ "%h(zCI)" } @ [%z(href("vinfo?name=%!S",zUuid))%S(zUuid)] %s(blob_str(&dirname)) }else{ int n = db_int(0, "SELECT count(*) FROM plink"); @

%s(zObjType) from all %d(n) check-ins %s(blob_str(&dirname)) } if( useMtime ){ @ sorted by modification time

}else{ @ sorted by filename } /* Generate tree of lists. ** ** Each file and directory is a list element:
  • . Files have class=file ** and if the filename as the suffix "xyz" the file also has class=file-xyz. ** Directories have class=dir. The directory specfied by the name= query ** parameter (or the top-level directory if there is no name= query parameter) ** adds class=subdir. ** ** The
  • element for directories also contains a sublist
      ** for the contents of that directory. */ @
        if( nD ){ @
      • }else{ @
      • } @
        @ %z(href("%s",url_render(&sURI,"name",0,0,0)))%h(zProjectName) if( zNow ){ @
        } @
          if( useMtime ){ p = sortTreeByMtime(sTree.pFirst); memset(&sTree, 0, sizeof(sTree)); relinkTree(&sTree, p); } for(p=sTree.pFirst, nDir=0; p; p=p->pNext){ const char *zLastClass = p->pSibling==0 ? " last" : ""; if( p->pChild ){ const char *zSubdirClass = p->nFullName==nD-1 ? " subdir" : ""; @
        • @ %z(href("%s",url_render(&sURI,"name",p->zFullName,0,0)))%h(p->zName) if( p->mtime>0.0 ){ char *zAge = human_readable_age(rNow - p->mtime); @
          } @
          if( startExpanded || p->nFullName<=nD ){ @
            }else{ @ } } } @
      style_load_one_js_file("tree.js"); style_footer(); /* We could free memory used by sTree here if we needed to. But ** the process is about to exit, so doing so would not really accomplish ** anything useful. */ } /* ** Return a CSS class name based on the given filename's extension. ** Result must be freed by the caller. **/ const char *fileext_class(const char *zFilename){ char *zClass; const char *zExt = strrchr(zFilename, '.'); int isExt = zExt && zExt!=zFilename && zExt[1]; int i; for( i=1; isExt && zExt[i]; i++ ) isExt &= fossil_isalnum(zExt[i]); if( isExt ){ zClass = mprintf("file file-%s", zExt+1); for( i=5; zClass[i]; i++ ) zClass[i] = fossil_tolower(zClass[i]); }else{ zClass = mprintf("file"); } return zClass; } /* ** SQL used to compute the age of all files in check-in :ckin whose ** names match :glob */ static const char zComputeFileAgeSetup[] = @ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp.fileage( @ fnid INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, @ fid INTEGER, @ mid INTEGER, @ mtime DATETIME, @ pathname TEXT @ ); @ CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS temp.foci USING files_of_checkin; ; static const char zComputeFileAgeRun[] = @ WITH RECURSIVE @ ckin(x,m) AS (SELECT objid, mtime FROM event WHERE objid=:ckin @ UNION @ SELECT plink.pid, event.mtime @ FROM ckin, plink, event @ WHERE plink.cid=ckin.x AND event.objid=plink.pid @ ORDER BY 2 DESC) @ INSERT OR IGNORE INTO fileage(fnid, fid, mid, mtime, pathname) @ SELECT filename.fnid, mlink.fid, mlink.mid, event.mtime, filename.name @ FROM foci, filename, blob, mlink, event @ WHERE foci.checkinID=:ckin @ AND foci.filename GLOB :glob @ AND filename.name=foci.filename @ AND blob.uuid=foci.uuid @ AND mlink.fid=blob.rid @ AND mlink.fid!=mlink.pid @ AND mlink.mid IN (SELECT x FROM ckin) @ AND event.objid=mlink.mid @ ORDER BY event.mtime ASC; ; /* ** Look at all file containing in the version "vid". Construct a ** temporary table named "fileage" that contains the file-id for each ** files, the pathname, the check-in where the file was added, and the ** mtime on that check-in. If zGlob and *zGlob then only files matching ** the given glob are computed. */ int compute_fileage(int vid, const char* zGlob){ Stmt q; db_multi_exec(zComputeFileAgeSetup /*works-like:"constant"*/); db_prepare(&q, zComputeFileAgeRun /*works-like:"constant"*/); db_bind_int(&q, ":ckin", vid); db_bind_text(&q, ":glob", zGlob && zGlob[0] ? zGlob : "*"); db_exec(&q); db_finalize(&q); return 0; } /* ** Render the number of days in rAge as a more human-readable time span. ** Different units (seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years) are ** selected depending on the magnitude of rAge. ** ** The string returned is obtained from fossil_malloc() and should be ** freed by the caller. */ char *human_readable_age(double rAge){ if( rAge*86400.0<120 ){ if( rAge*86400.0<1.0 ){ return mprintf("current"); }else{ return mprintf("%d seconds", (int)(rAge*86400.0)); } }else if( rAge*1440.0<90 ){ return mprintf("%.1f minutes", rAge*1440.0); }else if( rAge*24.0<36 ){ return mprintf("%.1f hours", rAge*24.0); }else if( rAge<365.0 ){ return mprintf("%.1f days", rAge); }else{ return mprintf("%.2f years", rAge/365.0); } } /* ** COMMAND: test-fileage ** ** Usage: %fossil test-fileage CHECKIN */ void test_fileage_cmd(void){ int mid; Stmt q; const char *zGlob = find_option("glob",0,1); db_find_and_open_repository(0,0); verify_all_options(); if( g.argc!=3 ) usage("CHECKIN"); mid = name_to_typed_rid(g.argv[2],"ci"); compute_fileage(mid, zGlob); db_prepare(&q, "SELECT fid, mid, julianday('now') - mtime, pathname" " FROM fileage" ); while( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){ char *zAge = human_readable_age(db_column_double(&q,2)); fossil_print("%8d %8d %16s %s\n", db_column_int(&q,0), db_column_int(&q,1), zAge, db_column_text(&q,3)); fossil_free(zAge); } db_finalize(&q); } /* ** WEBPAGE: fileage ** ** Show all files in a single check-in (identified by the name= query ** parameter) in order of increasing age. ** ** Parameters: ** name=VERSION Selects the check-in version (default=tip). ** glob=STRING Only shows files matching this glob pattern ** (e.g. *.c or *.txt). ** showid Show RID values for debugging */ void fileage_page(void){ int rid; const char *zName; const char *zGlob; const char *zUuid; const char *zNow; /* Time of check-in */ int showId = PB("showid"); Stmt q1, q2; double baseTime; login_check_credentials(); if( !g.perm.Read ){ login_needed(g.anon.Read); return; } if( exclude_spiders() ) return; zName = P("name"); if( zName==0 ) zName = "tip"; rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zName, "ci"); if( rid==0 ){ fossil_fatal("not a valid check-in: %s", zName); } zUuid = db_text("", "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); baseTime = db_double(0.0,"SELECT mtime FROM event WHERE objid=%d", rid); zNow = db_text("", "SELECT datetime(mtime,toLocal()) FROM event" " WHERE objid=%d", rid); style_submenu_element("Tree-View", "%R/tree?ci=%T&mtime=1&type=tree", zName); style_header("File Ages"); zGlob = P("glob"); compute_fileage(rid,zGlob); db_multi_exec("CREATE INDEX fileage_ix1 ON fileage(mid,pathname);"); @

      Files in @ %z(href("%R/info/%!S",zUuid))[%S(zUuid)] if( zGlob && zGlob[0] ){ @ that match "%h(zGlob)" } @ ordered by age

      @ @

      File ages are expressed relative to the @ %z(href("%R/ci/%!S",zUuid))[%S(zUuid)] check-in time of @ %z(href("%R/timeline?c=%t",zNow))%s(zNow).

      @ @
      @ db_prepare(&q1, "SELECT event.mtime, event.objid, blob.uuid,\n" " coalesce(event.ecomment,event.comment),\n" " coalesce(event.euser,event.user),\n" " coalesce((SELECT value FROM tagxref\n" " WHERE tagtype>0 AND tagid=%d\n" " AND rid=event.objid),'trunk')\n" " FROM event, blob\n" " WHERE event.objid IN (SELECT mid FROM fileage)\n" " AND blob.rid=event.objid\n" " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC;", TAG_BRANCH ); db_prepare(&q2, "SELECT blob.uuid, filename.name, fileage.fid\n" " FROM fileage, blob, filename\n" " WHERE fileage.mid=:mid AND filename.fnid=fileage.fnid" " AND blob.rid=fileage.fid;" ); while( db_step(&q1)==SQLITE_ROW ){ double age = baseTime - db_column_double(&q1, 0); int mid = db_column_int(&q1, 1); const char *zUuid = db_column_text(&q1, 2); const char *zComment = db_column_text(&q1, 3); const char *zUser = db_column_text(&q1, 4); const char *zBranch = db_column_text(&q1, 5); char *zAge = human_readable_age(age); @ @ @ @ fossil_free(zAge); } @
      %s(zAge) db_bind_int(&q2, ":mid", mid); while( db_step(&q2)==SQLITE_ROW ){ const char *zFUuid = db_column_text(&q2,0); const char *zFile = db_column_text(&q2,1); int fid = db_column_int(&q2,2); if( showId ){ @ %z(href("%R/artifact/%!S",zFUuid))%h(zFile) (%d(fid))
      }else{ @ %z(href("%R/artifact/%!S",zFUuid))%h(zFile)
      } } db_reset(&q2); @
      @ %W(zComment) @ (check-in: %z(href("%R/ci/%!S",zUuid))%S(zUuid), if( showId ){ @ id: %d(mid) } @ user: %z(href("%R/timeline?u=%t&c=%!S&nd",zUser,zUuid))%h(zUser), @ branch: \ @ %z(href("%R/timeline?r=%t&c=%!S&nd",zBranch,zUuid))%h(zBranch)) @
      db_finalize(&q1); db_finalize(&q2); style_footer(); }