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6 events for the month beginning 2008-08-01 by user cle

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Change CGI parameter name rid to uuid for the /zip URL. check-in: 81a96aad user: cle tags: trunk
Thanks for the fix, eric. Due to that, I detected another HTML quirk I made ands corrected it now. check-in: f85bc24e user: cle tags: trunk
Fix bug [c858c4178b] - at three places, the original checkin comment was taken from the repository. Only if there was no original checkin comment, the edited comment (ecomment) was fetched.

That logic seem wrong. As at all other cases, first the ecommend was fetched and only when that failed, the original comment was taken, I corrected the three places in code accordingly. check-in: 589687d7 user: cle tags: trunk

Use new alternative /zip URL syntax for the Zip archive link at the /vinfo page. Where the old filename of the ZIP archive was
the new name would be:
The archive's content is placed into a directory named after the Zip archive file's basename.
check-in: 3c9e5699 user: cle tags: trunk
New Zip permission. This permission allow someone to download a zipped artifact via the wiki's /zip URL. It can given the user nobody to allow automatic package builder to download the sources they know from or other servers without any intervening login necessary.

As the /zip page do not expose anything, a spider should have a hard time to crawl thru the project using this URL. So IMO it does not open a break-in hole for spiders. check-in: fa6e9930 user: cle tags: trunk

  • Rename subcommand tag delete to tag cancel.
  • New branching behavior. Now if subcommand tag branch is used, a new copy of manifest UUID with the same parent will be created, thereby creating a fork. A propagating symbolic tag with TAGNAME is assigned to the UUID of the new copy. Furthermore all other propagating symbolic tags that the fork did inherited by the original manifest, are cancelled.

    However, if the option --raw was given, the old tag branch behavior is used. That means, no creation of a fork by copying the manifest UUID, no cancelling of inherited propagating symbolic tags. The tag will be applied to the given UUID directly.

    For instance
            fossil tag branch fix-12345 cfcfcfee
            fossil tag branch --raw bgcolor fix-12345 yellow
    will create a fork by copiying manifest cfcfcfee, apply a tag fix-12345 that will propagate to its children and set the propagating property bgcolor to yellow.
check-in: ac392fbb user: cle tags: trunk
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