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Ticket Hash: 67176c3aa4c3ccfff98ad08c4845f7380a58fa98
Title: Changes silently lost merging with renames
Status: Closed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Unable_To_Reproduce
Last Modified: 2013-07-28 08:38:03
Version Found In: [cf178577ec]
A friend of mine told me a case that made him refuse use fossil at all. I could reproduce it, and it scared me also.

echo Hello > a.txt
fossil add a.txt
fossil commit -m "new file"
echo newline >> a.txt
fossil commit --branch b -m "new branch with a new line"
fossil update trunk
fossil mv a.txt b.txt
mv a.txt b.txt
fossil commit "rename on trunk"
fossil merge b
# It does not warn about anything, considers the merge clean
# and the file b.txt does not have the new line on a.txt

<hr /><i>anonymous added on 2010-12-09 21:35:09:</i><br />
Merging in the other direction, from "b" running "merge trunk", also ends with the file renamed but the new line lost.
User Comments:
stephan added on 2013-07-28 08:38:03: (text/x-fossil-plain)
This seems to have been fixed in the mean time. In my tests the result is:

[stephan@host:~/tmp/f/x]$ cat b.txt 