#ifdef FOSSIL_ENABLE_JSON /* ** Copyright (c) 2011-12 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** */ #include "VERSION.h" #include "config.h" #include "json_wiki.h" #if INTERFACE #include "json_detail.h" #endif static cson_value * json_wiki_create(); static cson_value * json_wiki_get(); static cson_value * json_wiki_list(); static cson_value * json_wiki_preview(); static cson_value * json_wiki_save(); static cson_value * json_wiki_diff(); /* ** Mapping of /json/wiki/XXX commands/paths to callbacks. */ static const JsonPageDef JsonPageDefs_Wiki[] = { {"create", json_wiki_create, 0}, {"diff", json_wiki_diff, 0}, {"get", json_wiki_get, 0}, {"list", json_wiki_list, 0}, {"preview", json_wiki_preview, 0}, {"save", json_wiki_save, 0}, {"timeline", json_timeline_wiki,0}, /* Last entry MUST have a NULL name. */ {NULL,NULL,0} }; /* ** Implements the /json/wiki family of pages/commands. ** */ cson_value * json_page_wiki(){ return json_page_dispatch_helper(JsonPageDefs_Wiki); } /* ** Returns the UUID for the given wiki blob RID, or NULL if not ** found. The returned string is allocated via db_text() and must be ** free()d by the caller. */ char * json_wiki_get_uuid_for_rid( int rid ) { return db_text(NULL, "SELECT b.uuid FROM tag t, tagxref x, blob b" " WHERE x.tagid=t.tagid AND t.tagname GLOB 'wiki-*' " " AND b.rid=x.rid AND b.rid=%d" " ORDER BY x.mtime DESC LIMIT 1", rid ); } /* ** Tries to load a wiki page from the given rid creates a JSON object ** representation of it. If the page is not found then NULL is ** returned. If contentFormat is positive then the page content ** is HTML-ized using fossil's conventional wiki format, if it is ** negative then no parsing is performed, if it is 0 then the content ** is not returned in the response. If contentFormat is 0 then the ** contentSize reflects the number of bytes, not characters, stored in ** the page. ** ** The returned value, if not NULL, is-a JSON Object owned by the ** caller. If it returns NULL then it may set g.json's error state. */ cson_value * json_get_wiki_page_by_rid(int rid, char contentFormat){ Manifest * pWiki = NULL; if( NULL == (pWiki = manifest_get(rid, CFTYPE_WIKI, 0)) ){ json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN, "Error reading wiki page from manifest (rid=%d).", rid ); return NULL; }else{ unsigned int len = 0; cson_object * pay = cson_new_object(); char const * zBody = pWiki->zWiki; char const * zFormat = NULL; char * zUuid = json_wiki_get_uuid_for_rid(rid); cson_object_set(pay,"name",json_new_string(pWiki->zWikiTitle)); cson_object_set(pay,"uuid",json_new_string(zUuid)); free(zUuid); zUuid = NULL; if( pWiki->nParent > 0 ){ cson_object_set( pay, "parent", json_new_string(pWiki->azParent[0]) ) /* Reminder: wiki pages do not branch and have only one parent (except for the initial version, which has no parents). */; } /*cson_object_set(pay,"rid",json_new_int((cson_int_t)rid));*/ cson_object_set(pay,"user",json_new_string(pWiki->zUser)); cson_object_set(pay,FossilJsonKeys.timestamp, json_julian_to_timestamp(pWiki->rDate)); if(0 == contentFormat){ cson_object_set(pay,"size", json_new_int((cson_int_t)(zBody?strlen(zBody):0))); }else{ if( contentFormat>0 ){/*HTML-ize it*/ Blob content = empty_blob; Blob raw = empty_blob; zFormat = "html"; if(zBody && *zBody){ blob_append(&raw,zBody,-1); wiki_convert(&raw,&content,0); len = (unsigned int)blob_size(&content); } cson_object_set(pay,"size",json_new_int((cson_int_t)len)); cson_object_set(pay,"content", cson_value_new_string(blob_buffer(&content),len)); blob_reset(&content); blob_reset(&raw); }else{/*raw format*/ zFormat = "raw"; len = zBody ? strlen(zBody) : 0; cson_object_set(pay,"size",json_new_int((cson_int_t)len)); cson_object_set(pay,"content",cson_value_new_string(zBody,len)); } cson_object_set(pay,"contentFormat",json_new_string(zFormat)); } /*TODO: add 'T' (tag) fields*/ /*TODO: add the 'A' card (file attachment) entries?*/ manifest_destroy(pWiki); return cson_object_value(pay); } } /* ** Searches for the latest version of a wiki page with the given ** name. If found it behaves like json_get_wiki_page_by_rid(theRid, ** contentFormat), else it returns NULL. */ cson_value * json_get_wiki_page_by_name(char const * zPageName, char contentFormat){ int rid; rid = db_int(0, "SELECT x.rid FROM tag t, tagxref x, blob b" " WHERE x.tagid=t.tagid AND t.tagname='wiki-%q' " " AND b.rid=x.rid" " ORDER BY x.mtime DESC LIMIT 1", zPageName ); if( 0==rid ){ json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, "Wiki page not found: %s", zPageName ); return NULL; } return json_get_wiki_page_by_rid(rid, contentFormat); } /* ** Searches json_find_option_ctr("format",NULL,"f") for a flag. ** If not found it returns defaultValue else it returns a value ** depending on the first character of the format option: ** ** [h]tml = 1 ** [n]one = 0 ** [r]aw = -1 ** ** The return value is intended for use with ** json_get_wiki_page_by_rid() and friends. */ char json_wiki_get_content_format_flag( char defaultValue ){ char contentFormat = defaultValue; char const * zFormat = json_find_option_cstr("format",NULL,"f"); if( !zFormat || !*zFormat ){ return contentFormat; } else if('r'==*zFormat){ contentFormat = -1; } else if('h'==*zFormat){ contentFormat = 1; } else if('n'==*zFormat){ contentFormat = 0; } return contentFormat; } /* ** Helper for /json/wiki/get and /json/wiki/preview. At least one of ** zPageName (wiki page name) or zSymname must be set to a ** non-empty/non-NULL value. zSymname takes precedence. On success ** the result of one of json_get_wiki_page_by_rid() or ** json_get_wiki_page_by_name() will be returned (owned by the ** caller). On error g.json's error state is set and NULL is returned. */ static cson_value * json_wiki_get_by_name_or_symname(char const * zPageName, char const * zSymname, char contentFormat ){ if(!zSymname || !*zSymname){ return json_get_wiki_page_by_name(zPageName, contentFormat); }else{ int rid = symbolic_name_to_rid( zSymname ? zSymname : zPageName, "w" ); if(rid<0){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_AMBIGUOUS_UUID, "UUID [%s] is ambiguous.", zSymname); return NULL; }else if(rid==0){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, "UUID [%s] does not resolve to a wiki page.", zSymname); return NULL; }else{ return json_get_wiki_page_by_rid(rid, contentFormat); } } } /* ** Implementation of /json/wiki/get. ** */ static cson_value * json_wiki_get(){ char const * zPageName; char const * zSymName = NULL; char contentFormat = -1; if( !g.perm.RdWiki && !g.perm.Read ){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'o' or 'j' access."); return NULL; } zPageName = json_find_option_cstr2("name",NULL,"n",g.json.dispatchDepth+1); zSymName = json_find_option_cstr("uuid",NULL,"u"); if((!zPageName||!*zPageName) && (!zSymName || !*zSymName)){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS, "At least one of the 'name' or 'uuid' arguments must be provided."); return NULL; } /* TODO: see if we have a page named zPageName. If not, try to resolve zPageName as a UUID. */ contentFormat = json_wiki_get_content_format_flag(contentFormat); return json_wiki_get_by_name_or_symname( zPageName, zSymName, contentFormat ); } /* ** Implementation of /json/wiki/preview. ** */ static cson_value * json_wiki_preview(){ char const * zContent = NULL; cson_value * pay = NULL; Blob contentOrig = empty_blob; Blob contentHtml = empty_blob; if( !g.perm.WrWiki ){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'k' access."); return NULL; } zContent = cson_string_cstr(cson_value_get_string(g.json.reqPayload.v)); if(!zContent) { json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS, "The 'payload' property must be a string containing the wiki code to preview."); return NULL; } blob_append( &contentOrig, zContent, (int)cson_string_length_bytes(cson_value_get_string(g.json.reqPayload.v)) ); wiki_convert( &contentOrig, &contentHtml, 0 ); blob_reset( &contentOrig ); pay = cson_value_new_string( blob_str(&contentHtml), (unsigned int)blob_size(&contentHtml)); blob_reset( &contentHtml ); return pay; } /* ** Internal impl of /wiki/save and /wiki/create. If createMode is 0 ** and the page already exists then a ** FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS error is triggered. If ** createMode is false then the FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND is ** triggered if the page does not already exists. ** ** Note that the error triggered when createMode==0 and no such page ** exists is rather arbitrary - we could just as well create the entry ** here if it doesn't already exist. With that, save/create would ** become one operation. That said, i expect there are people who ** would categorize such behaviour as "being too clever" or "doing too ** much automatically" (and i would likely agree with them). ** ** If allowCreateIfNotExists is true then this function will allow a new ** page to be created even if createMode is false. */ static cson_value * json_wiki_create_or_save(char createMode, char allowCreateIfNotExists){ Blob content = empty_blob; /* wiki page content */ cson_value * nameV; /* wiki page name */ char const * zPageName; /* cstr form of page name */ cson_value * contentV; /* passed-in content */ cson_value * emptyContent = NULL; /* placeholder for empty content. */ cson_value * payV = NULL; /* payload/return value */ cson_string const * jstr = NULL; /* temp for cson_value-to-cson_string conversions. */ unsigned int contentLen = 0; int rid; if( (createMode && !g.perm.NewWiki) || (!createMode && !g.perm.WrWiki)){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires '%c' permissions.", (createMode ? 'f' : 'k')); return NULL; } nameV = json_req_payload_get("name"); if(!nameV){ json_set_err( FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS, "'name' parameter is missing."); return NULL; } zPageName = cson_string_cstr(cson_value_get_string(nameV)); if(!zPageName || !*zPageName){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_INVALID_ARGS, "'name' parameter must be a non-empty string."); return NULL; } rid = db_int(0, "SELECT x.rid FROM tag t, tagxref x" " WHERE x.tagid=t.tagid AND t.tagname='wiki-%q'" " ORDER BY x.mtime DESC LIMIT 1", zPageName ); if(rid){ if(createMode){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_ALREADY_EXISTS, "Wiki page '%s' already exists.", zPageName); goto error; } }else if(!createMode && !allowCreateIfNotExists){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, "Wiki page '%s' not found.", zPageName); goto error; } contentV = json_req_payload_get("content"); if( !contentV ){ if( createMode || (!rid && allowCreateIfNotExists) ){ contentV = emptyContent = cson_value_new_string("",0); }else{ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS, "'content' parameter is missing."); goto error; } } if( !cson_value_is_string(nameV) || !cson_value_is_string(contentV)){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_INVALID_ARGS, "'content' parameter must be a string."); goto error; } jstr = cson_value_get_string(contentV); contentLen = (int)cson_string_length_bytes(jstr); if(contentLen){ blob_append(&content, cson_string_cstr(jstr),contentLen); } wiki_cmd_commit(zPageName, 0==rid, &content); blob_reset(&content); /* Our return value here has a race condition: if this operation is called concurrently for the same wiki page via two requests, payV could reflect the results of the other save operation. */ payV = json_get_wiki_page_by_name( cson_string_cstr( cson_value_get_string(nameV)), 0); goto ok; error: assert( 0 != g.json.resultCode ); assert( NULL == payV ); ok: if( emptyContent ){ /* We have some potentially tricky memory ownership here, which is why we handle emptyContent separately. This is, in fact, overkill because cson_value_new_string("",0) actually returns a shared singleton instance (i.e. doesn't allocate), but that is a cson implementation detail which i don't want leaking into this code... */ cson_value_free(emptyContent); } return payV; } /* ** Implementation of /json/wiki/create. */ static cson_value * json_wiki_create(){ return json_wiki_create_or_save(1,0); } /* ** Implementation of /json/wiki/save. */ static cson_value * json_wiki_save(){ char const createIfNotExists = json_getenv_bool("createIfNotExists",0); return json_wiki_create_or_save(0,createIfNotExists); } /* ** Implementation of /json/wiki/list. */ static cson_value * json_wiki_list(){ cson_value * listV = NULL; cson_array * list = NULL; char const * zGlob = NULL; Stmt q = empty_Stmt; Blob sql = empty_blob; char const verbose = json_find_option_bool("verbose",NULL,"v",0); char fInvert = json_find_option_bool("invert",NULL,"i",0);; if( !g.perm.RdWiki && !g.perm.Read ){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'j' or 'o' permissions."); return NULL; } blob_append(&sql,"SELECT" " substr(tagname,6) as name" " FROM tag WHERE tagname GLOB 'wiki-*'", -1); zGlob = json_find_option_cstr("glob",NULL,"g"); if(zGlob && *zGlob){ blob_appendf(&sql," AND name %s GLOB %Q", fInvert ? "NOT" : "", zGlob); }else{ zGlob = json_find_option_cstr("like",NULL,"l"); if(zGlob && *zGlob){ blob_appendf(&sql," AND name %s LIKE %Q", fInvert ? "NOT" : "", zGlob); } } blob_append(&sql," ORDER BY lower(name)", -1); db_prepare(&q,"%s", blob_str(&sql)); blob_reset(&sql); listV = cson_value_new_array(); list = cson_value_get_array(listV); while( SQLITE_ROW == db_step(&q) ){ cson_value * v; if( verbose ){ char const * name = db_column_text(&q,0); v = json_get_wiki_page_by_name(name,0); }else{ v = cson_sqlite3_column_to_value(q.pStmt,0); } if(!v){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN, "Could not convert wiki name column to JSON."); goto error; }else if( 0 != cson_array_append( list, v ) ){ cson_value_free(v); json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_ALLOC,"Could not append wiki page name to array.") /* OOM (or maybe numeric overflow) are the only realistic error codes for that particular failure.*/; goto error; } } goto end; error: assert(0 != g.json.resultCode); cson_value_free(listV); listV = NULL; end: db_finalize(&q); return listV; } static cson_value * json_wiki_diff(){ char const * zV1 = NULL; char const * zV2 = NULL; cson_object * pay = NULL; int argPos = g.json.dispatchDepth; int r1 = 0, r2 = 0; Manifest * pW1 = NULL, *pW2 = NULL; Blob w1 = empty_blob, w2 = empty_blob, d = empty_blob; char const * zErrTag = NULL; u64 diffFlags; char * zUuid = NULL; if( !g.perm.Hyperlink ){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'h' permissions."); return NULL; } zV1 = json_find_option_cstr2( "v1",NULL, NULL, ++argPos ); zV2 = json_find_option_cstr2( "v2",NULL, NULL, ++argPos ); if(!zV1 || !*zV1 || !zV2 || !*zV2) { json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_INVALID_ARGS, "Requires both 'v1' and 'v2' arguments."); return NULL; } r1 = symbolic_name_to_rid( zV1, "w" ); zErrTag = zV1; if(r1<0){ goto ambiguous; }else if(0==r1){ goto invalid; } r2 = symbolic_name_to_rid( zV2, "w" ); zErrTag = zV2; if(r2<0){ goto ambiguous; }else if(0==r2){ goto invalid; } zErrTag = zV1; pW1 = manifest_get(r1, CFTYPE_WIKI, 0); if( pW1==0 ) { goto manifest; } zErrTag = zV2; pW2 = manifest_get(r2, CFTYPE_WIKI, 0); if( pW2==0 ) { goto manifest; } blob_init(&w1, pW1->zWiki, -1); blob_zero(&w2); blob_init(&w2, pW2->zWiki, -1); blob_zero(&d); diffFlags = DIFF_IGNORE_EOLWS | DIFF_INLINE; text_diff(&w2, &w1, &d, 0, diffFlags); blob_reset(&w1); blob_reset(&w2); pay = cson_new_object(); zUuid = json_wiki_get_uuid_for_rid( pW1->rid ); cson_object_set(pay, "v1", json_new_string(zUuid) ); free(zUuid); zUuid = json_wiki_get_uuid_for_rid( pW2->rid ); cson_object_set(pay, "v2", json_new_string(zUuid) ); free(zUuid); zUuid = NULL; manifest_destroy(pW1); manifest_destroy(pW2); cson_object_set(pay, "diff", cson_value_new_string( blob_str(&d), (unsigned int)blob_size(&d))); return cson_object_value(pay); manifest: json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN, "Could not load wiki manifest for UUID [%s].", zErrTag); goto end; ambiguous: json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_AMBIGUOUS_UUID, "UUID [%s] is ambiguous.", zErrTag); goto end; invalid: json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, "UUID [%s] not found.", zErrTag); goto end; end: cson_free_object(pay); return NULL; } #endif /* FOSSIL_ENABLE_JSON */