/* ** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp ** Copyright (c) 2008 Stephan Beal ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** This file contains code to do formatting of wiki text. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include "wiki.h" /* ** Return true if the input string is a well-formed wiki page name. ** ** Well-formed wiki page names do not begin or end with whitespace, ** and do not contain tabs or other control characters and do not ** contain more than a single space character in a row. Well-formed ** names must be between 1 and 100 characters in length, inclusive. */ int wiki_name_is_wellformed(const unsigned char *z){ int i; if( z[0]<=0x20 ){ return 0; } for(i=1; z[i]; i++){ if( z[i]<0x20 ) return 0; if( z[i]==0x20 && z[i-1]==0x20 ) return 0; } if( z[i-1]==' ' ) return 0; if( i<1 || i>100 ) return 0; return 1; } /* ** Output rules for well-formed wiki pages */ static void well_formed_wiki_name_rules(void){ @ } /* ** Check a wiki name. If it is not well-formed, then issue an error ** and return true. If it is well-formed, return false. */ static int check_name(const char *z){ if( !wiki_name_is_wellformed((const unsigned char *)z) ){ style_header("Wiki Page Name Error"); @ The wiki name "%h(z)" is not well-formed. @ Rules for wiki page names: well_formed_wiki_name_rules(); style_footer(); return 1; } return 0; } /* ** WEBPAGE: home ** WEBPAGE: index ** WEBPAGE: not_found */ void home_page(void){ char *zPageName = db_get("project-name",0); char *zIndexPage = db_get("index-page",0); login_check_credentials(); if( zIndexPage ){ const char *zPathInfo = P("PATH_INFO"); while( zIndexPage[0]=='/' ) zIndexPage++; while( zPathInfo[0]=='/' ) zPathInfo++; if( fossil_strcmp(zIndexPage, zPathInfo)==0 ) zIndexPage = 0; } if( zIndexPage ){ cgi_redirectf("%s/%s", g.zTop, zIndexPage); } if( !g.perm.RdWiki ){ cgi_redirectf("%s/login?g=%s/home", g.zTop, g.zTop); } if( zPageName ){ login_check_credentials(); g.zExtra = zPageName; cgi_set_parameter_nocopy("name", g.zExtra, 1); g.isHome = 1; wiki_page(); return; } style_header("Home"); @

This is a stub home-page for the project. @ To fill in this page, first go to @ %z(href("%R/setup_config"))setup/config @ and establish a "Project Name". Then create a @ wiki page with that name. The content of that wiki page @ will be displayed in place of this message.

style_footer(); } /* ** Return true if the given pagename is the name of the sandbox */ static int is_sandbox(const char *zPagename){ return fossil_stricmp(zPagename,"sandbox")==0 || fossil_stricmp(zPagename,"sand box")==0; } /* ** Only allow certain mimetypes through. ** All others become "text/x-fossil-wiki" */ const char *wiki_filter_mimetypes(const char *zMimetype){ if( zMimetype!=0 && ( fossil_strcmp(zMimetype, "text/x-markdown")==0 || fossil_strcmp(zMimetype, "text/plain")==0 ) ){ return zMimetype; } return "text/x-fossil-wiki"; } /* ** Render wiki text according to its mimetype */ void wiki_render_by_mimetype(Blob *pWiki, const char *zMimetype){ if( zMimetype==0 || fossil_strcmp(zMimetype, "text/x-fossil-wiki")==0 ){ wiki_convert(pWiki, 0, 0); }else if( fossil_strcmp(zMimetype, "text/x-markdown")==0 ){ Blob title = BLOB_INITIALIZER; Blob tail = BLOB_INITIALIZER; markdown_to_html(pWiki, &title, &tail); if( blob_size(&title)>0 ){ @


} @ %s(blob_str(&tail)) blob_reset(&title); blob_reset(&tail); }else{ @
    @ %h(blob_str(pWiki))
} } /* ** WEBPAGE: wiki ** URL: /wiki?name=PAGENAME */ void wiki_page(void){ char *zTag; int rid = 0; int isSandbox; char *zUuid; Blob wiki; Manifest *pWiki = 0; const char *zPageName; const char *zMimetype = 0; char *zBody = mprintf("%s","Empty Page"); login_check_credentials(); if( !g.perm.RdWiki ){ login_needed(); return; } zPageName = P("name"); if( zPageName==0 ){ style_header("Wiki"); @ style_footer(); return; } if( check_name(zPageName) ) return; isSandbox = is_sandbox(zPageName); if( isSandbox ){ zBody = db_get("sandbox",zBody); zMimetype = db_get("sandbox-mimetype","text/x-fossil-wiki"); rid = 0; }else{ zTag = mprintf("wiki-%s", zPageName); rid = db_int(0, "SELECT rid FROM tagxref" " WHERE tagid=(SELECT tagid FROM tag WHERE tagname=%Q)" " ORDER BY mtime DESC", zTag ); free(zTag); pWiki = manifest_get(rid, CFTYPE_WIKI, 0); if( pWiki ){ zBody = pWiki->zWiki; zMimetype = pWiki->zMimetype; } } zMimetype = wiki_filter_mimetypes(zMimetype); if( !g.isHome ){ if( rid ){ style_submenu_element("Diff", "Last change", "%R/wdiff?name=%T&a=%d", zPageName, rid); zUuid = db_text(0, "SELECT uuid FROM blob WHERE rid=%d", rid); style_submenu_element("Details", "Details", "%R/info/%S", zUuid); } if( (rid && g.perm.WrWiki) || (!rid && g.perm.NewWiki) ){ if( db_get_boolean("wysiwyg-wiki", 0) ){ style_submenu_element("Edit", "Edit Wiki Page", "%s/wikiedit?name=%T&wysiwyg=1", g.zTop, zPageName); }else{ style_submenu_element("Edit", "Edit Wiki Page", "%s/wikiedit?name=%T", g.zTop, zPageName); } } if( rid && g.perm.ApndWiki && g.perm.Attach ){ style_submenu_element("Attach", "Add An Attachment", "%s/attachadd?page=%T&from=%s/wiki%%3fname=%T", g.zTop, zPageName, g.zTop, zPageName); } if( rid && g.perm.ApndWiki ){ style_submenu_element("Append", "Add A Comment", "%s/wikiappend?name=%T&mimetype=%s", g.zTop, zPageName, zMimetype); } if( g.perm.Hyperlink ){ style_submenu_element("History", "History", "%s/whistory?name=%T", g.zTop, zPageName); } } style_set_current_page("%s?name=%T", g.zPath, zPageName); style_header(zPageName); blob_init(&wiki, zBody, -1); wiki_render_by_mimetype(&wiki, zMimetype); blob_reset(&wiki); attachment_list(zPageName, "
