/* ** Copyright (c) 2007 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public ** License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ** General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public ** License along with this library; if not, write to the ** Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, ** Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** ******************************************************************************* ** ** This file contains code used to generate ZIP archives. */ #include #include #include "config.h" #include "zip.h" /* ** Write a 16- or 32-bit integer as little-endian into the given buffer. */ static void put16(char *z, int v){ z[0] = v & 0xff; z[1] = (v>>8) & 0xff; } static void put32(char *z, int v){ z[0] = v & 0xff; z[1] = (v>>8) & 0xff; z[2] = (v>>16) & 0xff; z[3] = (v>>24) & 0xff; } /* ** Variables in which to accumulate a growing ZIP archive. */ static Blob body; /* The body of the ZIP archive */ static Blob toc; /* The table of contents */ static int nEntry; /* Number of files */ /* ** Initialize a new ZIP archive. */ void zip_open(void){ blob_zero(&body); blob_zero(&toc); nEntry = 0; } /* ** Append a single file to a growing ZIP archive. ** ** pFile is the file to be appended. zName is the name ** that the file should be saved as. */ int zip_add_file(const char *zName, const Blob *pFile){ z_stream stream; int nameLen; int skip; int toOut; int iStart; int iCRC; int nByte; int nByteCompr; char *z; char zHdr[30]; char zBuf[100]; char zOutBuf[100000]; /* Fill in as much of the header as we know. */ nameLen = strlen(zName); put32(&zHdr[0], 0x04034b50); put16(&zHdr[4], 0x0014); put16(&zHdr[6], 0); put16(&zHdr[8], 8); put16(&zHdr[10], 0); put16(&zHdr[12], 0); put16(&zHdr[26], nameLen); put16(&zHdr[28], 0); /* Write the header and filename. */ iStart = blob_size(&body); blob_append(&body, zHdr, 30); blob_append(&body, zName, nameLen); /* The first two bytes that come out of the deflate compressor are ** some kind of header that ZIP does not use. So skip the first two ** output bytes. */ skip = 2; /* Write the compressed file. Compute the CRC as we progress. */ stream.zalloc = (alloc_func)0; stream.zfree = (free_func)0; stream.opaque = 0; stream.avail_in = blob_size(pFile); stream.next_in = (unsigned char*)blob_buffer(pFile); stream.avail_out = sizeof(zOutBuf); stream.next_out = (unsigned char*)zOutBuf; deflateInit(&stream, 9); iCRC = crc32(0, stream.next_in, stream.avail_in); while( stream.avail_in>0 ){ deflate(&stream, 0); toOut = sizeof(zOutBuf) - stream.avail_out; if( toOut>skip ){ blob_append(&body, &zOutBuf[skip], toOut - skip); skip = 0; }else{ skip -= toOut; } stream.avail_out = sizeof(zOutBuf); stream.next_out = (unsigned char*)zOutBuf; } do{ stream.avail_out = sizeof(zOutBuf); stream.next_out = (unsigned char*)zOutBuf; deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH); toOut = sizeof(zOutBuf) - stream.avail_out; if( toOut>skip ){ blob_append(&body, &zOutBuf[skip], toOut - skip); skip = 0; }else{ skip -= toOut; } }while( stream.avail_out==0 ); nByte = stream.total_in; nByteCompr = stream.total_out - 2; deflateEnd(&stream); /* Go back and write the header, now that we know the compressed file size. */ z = &blob_buffer(&body)[iStart]; put32(&z[14], iCRC); put32(&z[18], nByteCompr); put32(&z[22], nByte); /* Make an entry in the tables of contents */ memset(zBuf, 0, sizeof(zBuf)); put32(&zBuf[0], 0x02014b50); put16(&zBuf[4], 0x0317); put16(&zBuf[6], 0x0014); put16(&zBuf[8], 0); put16(&zBuf[10], 0x0008); put16(&zBuf[12], 0); put16(&zBuf[14], 0); put32(&zBuf[16], iCRC); put32(&zBuf[20], nByteCompr); put32(&zBuf[24], nByte); put16(&zBuf[28], nameLen); put16(&zBuf[30], 0); put16(&zBuf[32], 0); put16(&zBuf[34], 1); put16(&zBuf[36], 0); put32(&zBuf[38], (0100000 | 0644)<<16); put32(&zBuf[42], iStart); blob_append(&toc, zBuf, 46); blob_append(&toc, zName, nameLen); nEntry++; } /* ** Write the ZIP archive into the given BLOB. */ int zip_close(Blob *pZip){ int iTocStart; int iTocEnd; char zBuf[30]; iTocStart = blob_size(&body); blob_append(&body, blob_buffer(&toc), blob_size(&toc)); iTocEnd = blob_size(&body); memset(zBuf, 0, sizeof(zBuf)); put32(&zBuf[0], 0x06054b50); put16(&zBuf[4], 0); put16(&zBuf[6], 0); put16(&zBuf[8], nEntry); put16(&zBuf[10], nEntry); put32(&zBuf[12], iTocEnd - iTocStart); put32(&zBuf[16], iTocStart); put16(&zBuf[20], 0); blob_append(&body, zBuf, 22); blob_reset(&toc); *pZip = body; blob_zero(&body); nEntry = 0; } /* ** COMMAND: test-filezip ** ** Generate a ZIP archive specified by the first argument that ** contains files given in the second and subsequent arguments. */ void filezip_cmd(void){ int i; Blob zip; Blob file; if( g.argc<3 ){ usage("ARCHIVE FILE...."); } zip_open(); for(i=3; i