Fossil User's Guide Outline I. Foreward II. Source Control and why you need it A. What is it A. Why you need it B. Description of source control 1. VSS Style - File Check out 2. CVS Style - Merge 3. Distributed (a) GIT (b) Mercurial C. Fossil description 1. Source Control 2. Ticketing 3. Wiki/Webserver III.Single User Fossil Use A. Create repository 1. Create 2. Attach 3. Add & Commit B. Init web interface C. Update repository 1. Add 2. Commit 3 Show Time line 4. Open to get fresh copy of source D. Ticket use 1. Create 2. List 3. Close E. Wiki use 1. Main page exit 2. Useful wiki commands 3. Documentation IV. Multiple User Fossil Use A. Setting up a Fossil server 1. Self hosted 2. CGI system B. User accounts C. Multiple user actions 1. Clone 2. Commit 3. Update 4. Forking... V. Fossil Commands A. Basic commands 1. help 2. add 3. rm 4. rename (mv) 5. status 6. changes 7. extra 8. revert 9. update 10. checkout (co) 11. undo 12. diff 13. ui 14. server 15. commit (ci) B. Maintenance 1. new 2. clone 3. open 4. close 5. version 6. rebuild 7. all 8. push 9. pull 10. sync 11. clean 12. branch 13. merge 14. tag 15. settings C. Misc 1. zip 2. user 3. finfo 4. timeline 5. wiki D. Advanced 1. scrub 2. search 3. sha1sum 4. rstats 5. configuration 6. deconstruct 7. reconstruct 8. descendants VI. Customization Appendix 1. Resources (a) Web Site (b) News Group