
Hints For Users With Prior Git Experience

Hints For Users With Prior Git Experience

This document is a semi-random collection of hints intended to help new users of Fossil who have had prior exposure to Git. In other words, this document tries to describe the differences in how Fossil works from the perspective of Git users.

Help Improve This Document

If you have a lot of prior Git experience, and you are new to Fossil and are struggling with some concepts, please ask for help on the Fossil Forum. The people who write this document are intimately familiar with Fossil and less familiar with Git. It is difficult for us to anticipate the perspective of people who are initimately familiar with Git and less familiar with Fossil. Asking questions on the Forum will help us to improve the document.

Specific suggestions on how to improve this document are also welcomed, of course.


While we do try to explain Fossil-specific terminology inline here as-needed, you may find it helpful to skim the Fossil glossary. It will give you another take on our definitions here, and it may help you to understand some of the other Fossil docs better.

Repositories And Checkouts Are Distinct

A repository and a check-out are distinct concepts in Fossil, whereas the two are collocated by default with Git.

A Fossil repository is a SQLite database storing the entire history of a project. A Fossil check-out is a directory that contains a snapshot of your project that you are currently working on, extracted for you from that database by the fossil program.

With Git, cloning a repository gets you what Fossil would call a check-out directory with the repository stored in a .git subdirectory of that check-out. There are methods to get additional working directories pointing at that same Git repository, but because it’s not designed into the core concept of the tool, Git tutorials usually advocate a switch-in-place working mode instead, so that is how most users end up working with it.

You can use Fossil the same way, switching between versions in a single check-out directory:

    fossil clone /path/to/repo.fossil
    mkdir work-dir
    cd work-dir
    fossil open /path/to/repo.fossil on trunk...
    fossil update my-other-branch       # like “git checkout” on your other branch in the same directory...

As of Fossil 2.12, you can ask it to clone-and-open into a single directory, as Git always has done:

    mkdir work-dir
    cd work-dir
    fossil open

Now you have “trunk” open in work-dir, with the repo file stored as repo.fossil in that same directory.

You may be expecting fossil clone to create a directory for you like Git does, but because the repository is separate from the working directory, it does not do that, on purpose: you have to tell it where to store the repository file.

The fossil open URI syntax is our compromise for users wanting a clone-and-open command. But, because Fossil’s open command historically opens into the current directory, and it won’t open a repository into a non-empty directory by default — as of Fossil 2.12, anyway — you have to create the directory manually and cd into it before opening it. If fossil open URI worked like git clone, that would mean fossil open has two different ways of working depending on the argument, which is a non-Fossil sort of thing to do. We strive for consistent behavior across commands and modes.

The Fossil repository file can be named anything you want, with a single exception: if you’re going to use the fossil server DIRECTORY feature, the repositories need to have a ".fossil" suffix. That aside, you can follow any other convention that makes sense to you.

Many Fossil users gather all of their Fossil repositories in a single directory on their machine, such as "~/museum" or "C:\Fossils". This can help humans to keep their repositories organized, but Fossil itself doesn't really care. (Why “museum”? Because that is where one stores valuable fossils.)

Because Fossil cleanly separates the repository from the check-out, it is routine to have multiple check-outs from the same repository:

    mkdir -p ~/src/my-project/trunk
    cd ~/src/my-project/trunk
    fossil open /path/to/repo.fossil    # implicitly opens “trunk”
    mkdir ../my-other-branch
    cd ../my-other-branch
    fossil open /path/to/repo.fossil my-other-branch
    mkdir ../release
    cd ../release
    fossil open /path/to/repo.fossil release
    mkdir ../scratch
    cd ../scratch
    fossil open /path/to/repo.fossil abcd1234
    mkdir ../test
    cd ../test
    fossil open /path/to/repo.fossil 2019-04-01

Now you have five separate check-out directories: one each for trunk, an alternate branch you’re working on, the latest tagged public release, a “scratch” directory for experiments or brief bits of work you don’t want to do in the other check-out directories, and a directory for testing a user report of a bug in the trunk version as of last April Fool’s Day. Each check-out operates independently of the others.

This multiple-checkouts working style is especially useful when Fossil stores source code in programming languages where there is a “build” step that transforms source files into files you actually run or distribute. With Git’s typical switch-in-place workflow, you have to rebuild all outputs from the source files that differ between those versions whenever you switch versions. In the above Fossil working model, you switch versions with a “cd” command instead, so that you only have to rebuild outputs from files you yourself change.

This style is also useful when a check-out directory may be tied up with some long-running process, as with the “test” example above, where you might need to run an hours-long brute-force replication script to tickle a Heisenbug, forcing it to show itself. While that runs, you can open a new terminal tab, “cd ../trunk”, and get back to work.

Git users may be initially confused by the .fslckout file at the root of a check-out directory. This is not the same thing as .git. It’s a per-checkout SQLite database that keeps track of local state such as what version you have checked out, the contents of the stash for that working directory, the undo buffers, per-checkout settings, and so forth. Largely what Fossil does when you ask it to close a check-out is to remove this file after making certain safety checks.

(In native Windows builds of Fossil, this file is called _FOSSIL_ instead to get around the historical 3-character extension limit with certain legacy filesystems. “Native” here is a distinction to exclude Cygwin and WSL builds, which use .fslckout.)

Fossil’s Timeline is the “Log”

Git users often need to use the git log command to grovel through commit histories due to its weak data model.

Fossil parses a huge amount of information out of commits that allow it to produce its timeline CLI and its /timeline web view, which generally have the info you would have to manually extract from git log.

There Is No Staging Area

Fossil omits the "Git index" or "staging area" concept. When you type "fossil commit" all changes in your check-out are committed, automatically. There is no need for the "-a" option as with Git.

If you only want to commit some of the changes, list the names of the files or directories you want to commit as arguments, like this:

    fossil commit src/feature.c doc/ examples/feature

Create Branches At Point Of Need, Rather Than Ahead of Need

Fossil prefers that you create new branches as part of the first commit on that branch:

   fossil commit --branch my-new-branch

If that commit is successful, your local check-out directory is then switched to the tip of that branch, so subsequent commits don’t need the “--branch” option. You simply say fossil commit again to continue adding commits to the tip of that branch.

To switch back to the parent branch, say something like:

   fossil update trunk       # like “git checkout”

Fossil does also support the Git style, creating the branch ahead of need:

   fossil branch new my-new-branch
   fossil update my-new-branch on first commit...
   fossil commit

This is more verbose, but it has the same effect: put the first commit onto my-new-branch and switch the check-out directory to that branch so subsequent commits are descendants of that initial branch commit.

Fossil also allows you to move a check-in to a different branch after you commit it, using the "fossil amend" command. For example:

    fossil amend current --branch my-new-branch

(“current” is one of the special check-in names in Fossil. See that document for the many other names you can give to “amend”, or indeed to any other Fossil command that accepts a “version” string.)


Fossil’s autosync feature, normally enabled, has no equivalent in Git. If you want Fossil to behave like Git, you can turn it off:

    fossil set autosync 0

However, it’s better to understand what the feature does and why it is enabled by default.

When autosync is enabled, Fossil automatically pushes your changes to the remote server whenever you "fossil commit", and it pulls all remote changes down to your local clone of the repository as part of a "fossil update". This provides most of the advantages of a centralized version control system while retaining the advantages of distributed version control:

  1. Your work stays synced up with your coworkers’ efforts as long as your machine can connect to the remote repository. At need, you can go off-network and continue work atop the last version you sync’d with the remote.

  2. It provides immediate off-machine backup of your commits. Unlike centralized version control, though, you can still work while disconnected; your changes will sync up with the remote once you get back online.

  3. Because there is little distinction betwen the clones in the Fossil model — unlike in Git, where clones often quickly diverge from each other, quite possibly on purpose — the backup advantage applies in inverse as well: if the remote server falls over dead, one of those with a clone of that repository can stand it back up, and everyone can get back to work simply by re-pointing their local repo at the new remote. If the failed remote comes back later, it can sync with the new central version, then perhaps take over as the primary source of truth once again.

    (There are caveats to this, covered elsewhere.)

Sync Is All-Or-Nothing

Fossil does not support the concept of syncing, pushing, or pulling individual branches. When you sync/push/pull in Fossil, you sync/push/pull everything stored as artifacts in its hash tree: branches, tags, wiki articles, tickets, forum posts, technotes… Almost everything.

Furthermore, branch names sync automatically in Fossil, not just the content of those branches. This means this common Git command:

    git push origin master

is simply this in Fossil:

    fossil push

Fossil doesn’t need to be told what to push or where to push it: it just keeps using the same remote server URL and branch name you gave it last, until you tell it to do something different.

The Main Branch Is Called "trunk"

In Fossil, the traditional name and the default name for the main branch is "trunk". The "trunk" branch in Fossil corresponds to the "master" branch in stock Git or the "main" branch in GitHub.

Because the fossil git export command has to work with both stock Git and with GitHub, Fossil uses Git’s default: your Fossil repo’s “trunk” branch becomes “master” on GitHub, not “main,” as in new GitHub repos. It is not known what happens on subsequent exports if you later rename it.

The "fossil status" Command Does Not Show Unmanaged Files

The "fossil status" command shows you what files in your check-out have been edited and scheduled for adding or removing at the next commit. But unlike "git status", the "fossil status" command does not warn you about unmanaged files in your local check-out. There is a separate "fossil extras" command for that.

There Is No Rebase

Fossil does not support rebase, on purpose.

This is a deliberate design decision that the Fossil community has thought about carefully and discussed many times, resulting in the linked document. If you are fond of rebase, you should read it carefully before expressing your views: it not only answers many of the common arguments in favor of rebase known at the time the document’s first draft was written, it’s been revised multiple times to address less common objections as well. Chances are not good that you are going to come up with a new objection that we haven’t already considered and addressed there.

Branch and Tag Names

Fossil has no special restrictions on the names of tags and branches, though you might want to keep Git's tag and branch name restrictions in mind if you plan on mirroring your Fossil repository to GitHub.

Fossil does not require tag and branch names to be unique. It is common, for example, to put a "release" tag on every release for a Fossil-hosted project. This does not create a conflict in Fossil, since Fossil resolves such conflicts in a predictable way: the newest match wins. Therefore, “fossil up release” always gets you the current release in a project that uses this tagging convention.

Cherry-Picking and Reverting Commits

Git’s separate "git cherry-pick" and “git revert” commands are options to the fossil merge command: --cherrypick and --backout, respectively.

Unlike in Git, the Fossil file format remembers cherrypicks and backouts and can later show them as dashed lines on the graphical timeline.

File Moves And Renames Are Soft By Default

The "fossil mv" and "fossil rm" commands work like they do in CVS in that they schedule the changes for the next commit by default: they do not actually rename or delete the files in your check-out.

If you don’t like that default, you can change it globally:

     fossil setting --global mv-rm-files 1

Now these commands behave like in Git in any Fossil repository where this setting hasn’t been overridden locally.

If you want to keep Fossil’s soft mv/rm behavior most of the time, you can cast it away on a per-command basis:

     fossil mv --hard old-name new-name

Multiple "origin" Servers

In this final section of the document, we’ll go into a lot more detail to illustrate the points above, not just give a quick summary of this single difference.

Consider a common use case at the time of this writing — during the COVID-19 pandemic — where you’re working from home a lot, going into the office one part-day a week only to do things that have to be done on-site at the office. Let us also say you have no remote access back into the work LAN, such as because your site IT is paranoid about security. You may still want off-machine backups of your commits while working from home, so you need the ability to quickly switch between the “home” and “work” remote repositories, with your laptop acting as a kind of sneakernet link between the big development server at the office and your family’s home NAS.

Git Method

We first need to clone the work repo down to our laptop, so we can work on it at home:

    git clone
    cd repo
    git remote rename origin work

The last command is optional, strictly speaking. We could continue to use Git’s default name for the work repo’s origin — sensibly enough called “origin” — but it makes later commands harder to understand, so we rename it here. This will also make the parallel with Fossil easier to draw.

The first time we go home after this, we have to reverse-clone the work repo up to the NAS:

    ssh my-nas.local 'git init --bare /SHARES/dayjob/repo.git'
    git push --all ssh://my-nas.local//SHARES/dayjob/repo.git

Realize that this is carefully optimized down to these two long commands. In practice, typing these commands by hand, from memory, we’d expect a normal user to need to give four or more commands here instead. Packing the “git init” call into the “ssh” call is something more often done in scripts and documentation examples than done interactively, which then necessitates a third command before the push, “exit”. There’s also a good chance that you’ll forget the need for the --bare option here to avoid a fatal complaint from Git that the laptop can’t push into a non-empty repo. If you fall into this trap, among the many that Git lays for newbies, you have to nuke the incorrectly initted repo, search the web and docs to find out about --bare, and try again.

Having navigated that little minefield, we can tell Git that there is a second origin, a “home” repo in addition to the named “work” repo we set up earlier:

    git remote add home ssh://my-nas.local//SHARES/dayjob/repo.git
    git config master.remote home

We don’t have to push or pull because the remote repo is a complete clone of the repo on the laptop at this point, so we can just get to work now, committing along the way to get our work safely off-machine and onto the NAS, like so:

    git add
    git commit
    git push

We didn’t need to give a remote name on the push because we told it the new upstream is the home NAS earlier.

Now Friday comes along, and one of your office-mates needs a feature you’re working on. You agree to come into the office later that afternoon to sync up via the dev server:

    git push work master      # send your changes from home up
    git pull work master      # get your coworkers’ changes

Alternately, we could add “--set-upstream/-u work” to the first command if we were coming into work long enough to do several Git-based things, not just pop in and sync. That would allow the second to be just “git pull”, but the cost is that when returning home, you’d have to manually reset the upstream again.

This example also shows a consequence of that fact that Git doesn’t sync branch names: you have to keep repeating yourself, “master, master.”

Fossil Method

Now we’re going to do the same thing as above using Fossil. We’ve broken the commands up into blocks corresponding to those above for comparison.

We start the same way, cloning the work repo down to the laptop:

    mkdir repo
    cd repo
    fossil open
    fossil remote add work

We’ve chosen the “fossil open URI” syntax here rather than separate clone and open commands to make the parallel with Git clearer. See above for more on that topic.

The final command is longer than the Git equivalent because Fossil currently has no short command to rename an existing remote. Worse, unlike with Git, we can’t just keep using the default remote name because Fossil uses that slot in its configuration database to store the current remote name, so on switching from work to home, the home URL will overwrite the work URL if we don’t give it an explicit name first.

So far, the Fossil commands are longer, but keep these costs in perspective: they’re one-time setup costs, easily amortized to insignificance by the shorter day-to-day commands below.

On first beginning to work from home, we reverse-clone the Fossil repo up to the NAS:

    rsync repo.fossil my-nas.local:/SHARES/dayjob/

Now we’re beginning to see the advantage of Fossil’s simpler model, relative to the tricky “git init && git push” sequence above. Fossil’s alternative is almost impossible to get wrong: copy this to that. Done.

We’re relying on the rsync feature that creates up to one level of missing directory (here, dayjob/) on the remote. If you know in advance that the remote directory already exists, you could use a slightly shorter scp command instead. Even with the extra 2 characters in the rsync form, it’s much shorter because a Fossil repository is a single SQLite database file, not a tree containing a pile of assorted files. Because of this, it works reliably without any of the caveats inherent in using rsync to clone a Git repo.

Now we set up the second remote, which is again simpler in the Fossil case:

    fossil remote add home ssh://my-nas.local//SHARES/dayjob/repo.fossil
    fossil remote home

The first command is nearly identical to the Git version, but the second is considerably simpler. And to be fair, you won’t find the “git config” command above in all Git tutorials. The more common alternative we found with web searches is even longer: “git push --set-upstream home master”.

Where Fossil really wins is in the next step, making the initial commit from home:

    fossil ci

It’s one short command for Fossil instead of three for Git — or two if you abbreviate it as “git commit -a && git push” — because of Fossil’s autosync feature feature and deliberate omission of a staging feature.

The “Friday afternoon sync-up” case is simpler, too:

    fossil remote work
    fossil sync

Back at home, it’s simpler still: we can do away with the second command, saying just “fossil remote home” because the sync will happen as part of the next commit, thanks once again to Fossil’s autosync feature.