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Ticket Hash: 1a99e30dd4d4f88682d157af46ae0ffe7fbe4b07
Title: RSS link within the feed does not point to item matching the title
Status: Fixed Type: Code_Defect
Severity: Important Priority:
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2011-09-11 14:21:35
Version Found In: c4c231069e4bde488725c80689c834106a969b44
Set up to pull the RSS feed from ""

I get new tickets, the titles match what is shown. For example, Ticket [96af2fca6d] web "Sync Now" need to provide repository path argument. status still Open with 1 other change.

But the link inside the feed body is something totally unrelated: -- which is (apparently) the artifact which contains the ticket.

I would expect clicking on the link to bring up the body of the ticket or whatever, not a bit of bookeeping which is not too interesting.

dmitry added on 2011-09-11 14:21:35 UTC:
Fixed in [66d93f33d5].