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9 check-ins related to "wrap-run_in_checkout"

Merged wrap-run_in_checkout branch down to trunk. (check-in: 49e86fe0 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
The test harness now skips all tests done in the Fossil source repo checkout directory while there are uncommitted changes because that will affect the behavior of fossil status, fossil diff, etc., which in turn tends to create false positives in test harness code that checks for changes in fossil command output. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 78ec6838 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Partially reverted one of the run_in_checkout replacements in test/th1.test: it was inside a foreach loop, which means the test for whether we're inside the Fossil repo checkout was being done 26 times. This is not only inefficient, it spammed the output with "Skipping test blabla..." lines. Now doing a manual check outside the loop and skipping the in-repo tests silently inside the loop. (check-in: 3cb1b4f0 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Fixed a Tcl syntax error checked in with [33efa2fa]. (Yay dynamic languages that run the code even if it's syntactically invalid. P'tui!) (check-in: 4315d464 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
The new test_block_in_checkout proc in tester.tcl was not setting the CODE and RESULT global variables when it skipped a test, so there was a chance that a test would end up checking the prior values and throw a false positive. (check-in: 2aaee484 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Fixed a Tcl logic error committed with [33efa2fa]. (check-in: 02430597 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Extracted the logic that was in tester.tcl's new outside_fossil_repo proc to the global level which just saves the result to a global variable so the logic doesn't have to be re-run for each test that relies on it. The result doesn't change from one call to the next, as you'd hope for a proc without parameters. (check-in: 1a4e87dc user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Replaced most of the direct calls to run_in_checkout from within the test suite with one of two wrapper functions that skip those tests when you run "make test" outside a Fossil repository checkout directory, such as from a directory containing an unpacked source release tarball. (The two remaining direct calls to that proc from test/*.test are preceded by a check that skips the whole file they're in, since that whole file does nothing else.) This is being checked in on a branch because it is not yet thoroughly tested, yet I need the checkpoint. (check-in: 33efa2fa user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
The -quiet flag passed by default to tester.tcl can now be overridden by passing TESTFLAGS to make. Before, there was no way to set -verbose this way because "-quiet -verbose" means the same thing as "-quiet". (check-in: 401a4c3d user: wyoung tags: trunk)