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72 check-ins using file version 29d05ac0

Backout of [115544e97517f447]. Unbreaks the SSL enabled build for MSVC on Windows, due to OpenSSL build system changes that are not accounted for by the check-in. Also, there were crashes with MinGW produced binaries using OpenSSL 1.1.1. (check-in: e0cc10f0 user: mistachkin tags: trunk)
Added a missing db_finalize() call in /json/branch/list which led to a downstream segfault via an invalid/destructed Stmt handle. (check-in: e45789ee user: stephan tags: trunk)
Add the "fossil branch current" command to the 2.7 change log. (check-in: fc977f14 user: drh tags: trunk)
Add the "fossil branch current" command. Also rearrange the code and the help text for the "fossil branch" command so that the various subcommands are in alphabetical order. (check-in: 3b0a1f4e user: drh tags: trunk)
Wiki markup fixes in the recent edits to the www/ doc (check-in: 07943152 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Removed a paragraph stranded by the email docs reorg several checkins ago. (check-in: ba35b5ff user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Fixed a typo (check-in: 692aceed user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Added colored shading, more padding, and a thick left border to
elements in the default skin. This is based on some custom styling that Florian Balmer has been doing for quoted text on the forum lately, but the styling is rather different. It affects all such elements, not just those in forum posts, since I couldn't see a good reason to restrict it: it should be equally valuable in wiki and embedded doc articles as well.
(check-in: 2190f86c user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Updated the documentation permuted index to include a grammar fix checked in with the previous checkin. (check-in: d8d979fe user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Reworked the documentation for email alerts to put all the information in a single document: a) Moved the "quick email setup" material from the document into ``; b) linked to that moved material from its original location; c) greatly expanded the material previously present in the `` document; c) merged the `` document into ``, so we don't have to link out to two separate documents which previously partially repeated each other. This pass also fixed a number of grammar errors and broken links. (check-in: 2ef70be2 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Replaced the WIP and indefinite future paragraphs in www/ with definite statements now that we're approaching release. (check-in: 05b40829 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Docker: upgrade to fedora 28, and use https in stead of http to retrieve fossil source code. Use fedora versions of Tcl in stead of building our own. (check-in: edc31f46 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk)
Make sure that Fossil is always compiled with SQLite >= 3.25.0. Add mention of TLS 1.3 to changelog. (check-in: d0dcf908 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk)
add support for TLS 1.3, when compiled with OpenSSL 1.1.1 (LTS). Windows build adapted to use OpenSSL 1.1.1 by default. Still compiles and runs with older OpenSSL as well (check-in: 115544e9 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk)
Rerun mkindex.tcl to get an updated permutedindex.html file. (check-in: ce1d61ac user: drh tags: trunk)
Added www/ to the documentation index. (check-in: 7bd7b2c6 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Increase the version number to 2.7. (check-in: 4559373c user: drh tags: trunk)
Update the built-in SQLite to the 3.25.0 release. (check-in: 048a6f80 user: drh tags: trunk)
Fix a typo. (check-in: 4b562158 user: ashepilko tags: trunk)
Describe the debugging options. (check-in: d364933a user: ashepilko tags: cmake-ide)
Merge updates from trunk. (check-in: f59c9ecb user: ashepilko tags: cmake-ide)
Update the change log. (check-in: d78f1f3c user: drh tags: trunk)
Removed the anti-robot defense stand-down call from the default skin's new footer JS: that's handled server-side now with /sitemap?popup=1. (check-in: 7d5ff435 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Added copyright and license comment to the top of the new skins/default/js.txt file. (check-in: 972ae10b user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Avoided a divide by 1000 by changing a value formerly specified in floating point seconds to be specified in milliseconds, so we don't need the arithmetic. (check-in: 1d5eea66 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Moved a single-use variable interpolation inline with its use point. Also improved some comments. (check-in: 56db6170 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Documentation updates for custom TH1 commands. (check-in: 874a4dac user: mistachkin tags: trunk)
merge trunk (Closed-Leaf check-in: 368c78a8 user: jan.nijtmans tags: openssl-1.1)
Compile openssl with option no-weak-ssl-ciphers (or -DOPENSSL_NO_WEAK_SSL_CIPHERS) Update custum Makefile.mingw (check-in: 58b7b4e5 user: jan.nijtmans tags: trunk)
The default skin requires 1200px or more before the "wideonly" class is displayed. (check-in: 68f4c2b0 user: drh tags: trunk)
Fixes to the new script element of skins. (check-in: c22b71df user: drh tags: trunk)
Add a hamburger menu that brings up an overlaid /sitemap to the default skin. (check-in: 9c887998 user: drh tags: trunk)
Split out the javascript for the default skin into the separate skin-script property. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 72cfbf70 user: drh tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Merge in the ability to define a script for a skin. (check-in: 666c4f9a user: drh tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Add the styleScript TH1 command to enabling including the script element of the skin in-line in the header or footer. (Closed-Leaf check-in: dc88a533 user: drh tags: skin-script)
Add the new "script" element to skins, accessible as /script.js. The idea is to put the hamburger menu javascript from the js-hamburger-menu branch in this script element, rather than inlining it in the footer. But I am not certain that is the best way to go so this change is parked on a branch for now. (check-in: e5dbc612 user: drh tags: skin-script)
Update the built-in SQLite to the first 3.25.0 release candidate. (check-in: ed84acb6 user: drh tags: trunk)
Added a guard on the use of CSS transitions so it falls back to a non-animated menu pull down if they appear not to be available on the current browser. Also added a check for the existence of the hamburger menu item in case the skin admin diked it out, and did a few other minor tweaks to the footer JS code. (check-in: 5d9a3454 user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Timing tweaks: made "hide borders" hack occur about the same time as the CSS transition finishes, and increased the menu show delay still further to make it work for Firefox. (check-in: 7bb68023 user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Changed hamburger menu drop-down menu from 33% of the screen width to 90%: it works better on small screens, and it allows the sitemap to go multi-column on wider screens. Also added some right-side padding to balance the padding added for
    on the left.
(check-in: e76a243d user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Removed the
    and moved the multicolumn styling applied to it down to the
      , since it is already a block level element, so we don't need a div wrapper on it. And then there's the real reason, which is that we want the multicolumn styling to work on the drop-down hamburger menu version as well.
(check-in: 0d391a1b user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Increased the transition delay to make the initial drop-down animation happen in Firefox 62. (check-in: 8918a8a8 user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Using CSS transitions to mimic jQuery's slideUp/Down() transitions. This probably restricts browser compatibility still further above the XHR issue noted in the earlier checkin on this branch. According to MDN, we're probably restricted to IE 10+ with this, and maybe not even that due to not using vendor-specific extensions for the transitional browser versions. (check-in: 90bd6675 user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Converted JS hamburger button menu code to use standard JS only, no jQuery.

Temporarily lost the animation with this change: I'm checking this in separately to make the difference between this and the jQuery version clearer.

Not sure how portable it is yet; I wouldn't be surprised if it broke on old IE, since we're using xhr.onload instead of the horrid mess that is xhr.onreadystatechange. (check-in: 113ba3d9 user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)

Merged in trunk improvements (check-in: 96b1a9ca user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Reverted [59c7ca0509]: drh says we can't use jQuery. Also, there was a syntax error that sent all hyperlinks to the honeypot in some conditions. (check-in: 5a62b395 user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Update the built-in SQLite to the latest 3.25.0 alpha version for testing. (check-in: 48171b66 user: drh tags: trunk)
The hyperlinks in the hamburger menu drop-down still had the anti-robot defense activated. Defeated it. (check-in: 571df2e8 user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Converted src/href.js to jQuery as a demonstration: the code's nearly half the size, and it's clearer as a result. (check-in: 59c7ca05 user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Typo fix; patch by jungleboogie in forum post ID 775e4c0771. (check-in: c8ef388b user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Fixed a bug in the onclick handler for the new hamburger button which allowed the browser to follow our empty 'a href="#"' link. For some reason, Chrome only did this sometimes, not always, which lead to me thinking it was some kind of race condition. (check-in: e806e5c4 user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)
Ajaxy animated drop-down menu on clicking a new hamburger button in the default skin, as requested by drh on the forum:

Initial version uses jQuery loaded from Google Hosted APIs for ease of development. (check-in: d7c43c5a user: wyoung tags: js-hamburger-menu)

Avoid column breaks inside a top-level bullet in the /sitemap. (check-in: dc5e06ff user: drh tags: trunk)
Added more info on quoting rules in Tcl/TH1 to the doc (check-in: 30e9ccd5 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Fixed some grammar and spelling in the doc. (check-in: 40787f50 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Do away with compiler warning about uninitialized variable. (check-in: af39da6d user: andybradford tags: trunk)
Calling db_end_transaction() from the early-exit code paths of setup_skin_admin() to avoid "Transaction started at ./src/skins.c:466 never commits" complaints with some types of Admin -> Skins edits. (check-in: 1c0b78b4 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Merged wrap-run_in_checkout branch down to trunk. (check-in: 49e86fe0 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
The test harness now skips all tests done in the Fossil source repo checkout directory while there are uncommitted changes because that will affect the behavior of fossil status, fossil diff, etc., which in turn tends to create false positives in test harness code that checks for changes in fossil command output. (Closed-Leaf check-in: 78ec6838 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Partially reverted one of the run_in_checkout replacements in test/th1.test: it was inside a foreach loop, which means the test for whether we're inside the Fossil repo checkout was being done 26 times. This is not only inefficient, it spammed the output with "Skipping test blabla..." lines. Now doing a manual check outside the loop and skipping the in-repo tests silently inside the loop. (check-in: 3cb1b4f0 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Fixed a Tcl syntax error checked in with [33efa2fa]. (Yay dynamic languages that run the code even if it's syntactically invalid. P'tui!) (check-in: 4315d464 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
The new test_block_in_checkout proc in tester.tcl was not setting the CODE and RESULT global variables when it skipped a test, so there was a chance that a test would end up checking the prior values and throw a false positive. (check-in: 2aaee484 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Fixed a Tcl logic error committed with [33efa2fa]. (check-in: 02430597 user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Extracted the logic that was in tester.tcl's new outside_fossil_repo proc to the global level which just saves the result to a global variable so the logic doesn't have to be re-run for each test that relies on it. The result doesn't change from one call to the next, as you'd hope for a proc without parameters. (check-in: 1a4e87dc user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
Replaced most of the direct calls to run_in_checkout from within the test suite with one of two wrapper functions that skip those tests when you run "make test" outside a Fossil repository checkout directory, such as from a directory containing an unpacked source release tarball. (The two remaining direct calls to that proc from test/*.test are preceded by a check that skips the whole file they're in, since that whole file does nothing else.) This is being checked in on a branch because it is not yet thoroughly tested, yet I need the checkpoint. (check-in: 33efa2fa user: wyoung tags: wrap-run_in_checkout)
The -quiet flag passed by default to tester.tcl can now be overridden by passing TESTFLAGS to make. Before, there was no way to set -verbose this way because "-quiet -verbose" means the same thing as "-quiet". (check-in: 401a4c3d user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Cached the result of "$tcl_platform(platform) eq "windows"" in test/tester.tcl and replaced all of the repetitions of this expression with a test of the variable. (check-in: 2e4143aa user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Removed a debug message accidentally checked in. (check-in: 8eadf4c4 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Merged tclsh-macos down to trunk. (check-in: ee2ffe35 user: wyoung tags: trunk)
Fixed an incorrect Tcl string comparison checked in with [e449cb09]. (Closed-Leaf check-in: c94617b5 user: wyoung tags: tclsh-macos)
Explained "Why can't we use Jim Tcl for the test suite?" in the auto.def comment above the check for a suitable tclsh version. Basically, I tried it and then documented a few of the resulting failures. (check-in: 91eaef61 user: wyoung tags: tclsh-macos)
After autosetup checks for the existence of tclsh in the PATH, it now checks whether it's at least version 8.6, because macOS is still shipping 8.5, despite it being nearly 6 years old. If we find an old tclsh, try to find the Homebrew tcl-tk package, and use that version instead. This is not a macOS or Homebrew specific change in principle: we can extend this logic for other systems to find their best Tcl/Tk version, as needed.

On systems where autosetup is used, this only affects "make test". There are other uses of tclsh in this tree which may also benefit from our PATH discoveries, but this checkin doesn't update those.

This checkin also doesn't try to address similar problems on other platforms, such as the "TCLSH = tclsh" line in Makefile.mingw. (check-in: e449cb09 user: wyoung tags: tclsh-macos)