#ifdef FOSSIL_ENABLE_JSON /* ** Copyright (c) 2011 D. Richard Hipp ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ** modify it under the terms of the Simplified BSD License (also ** known as the "2-Clause License" or "FreeBSD License".) ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of ** merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. ** ** Author contact information: ** drh@hwaci.com ** http://www.hwaci.com/drh/ ** */ #include "config.h" #include "json_report.h" #if INTERFACE #include "json_detail.h" #endif static cson_value * json_report_create(); static cson_value * json_report_get(); static cson_value * json_report_list(); static cson_value * json_report_run(); static cson_value * json_report_save(); /* ** Mapping of /json/report/XXX commands/paths to callbacks. */ static const JsonPageDef JsonPageDefs_Report[] = { {"create", json_report_create, 0}, {"get", json_report_get, 0}, {"list", json_report_list, 0}, {"run", json_report_run, 0}, {"save", json_report_save, 0}, /* Last entry MUST have a NULL name. */ {NULL,NULL,0} }; /* ** Implementation of the /json/report page. ** ** */ cson_value * json_page_report(){ if(!g.perm.RdTkt && !g.perm.NewTkt ){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'r' or 'n' permissions."); return NULL; } return json_page_dispatch_helper(JsonPageDefs_Report); } /* ** Searches the environment for a "report" parameter ** (CLI: -report/-r #). ** ** If one is not found and argPos is >0 then json_command_arg() ** is checked. ** ** Returns >0 (the report number) on success . */ static int json_report_get_number(int argPos){ int nReport = json_find_option_int("report",NULL,"r",-1); if( (nReport<=0) && cson_value_is_integer(g.json.reqPayload.v)){ nReport = cson_value_get_integer(g.json.reqPayload.v); } if( (nReport <= 0) && (argPos>0) ){ char const * arg = json_command_arg(argPos); if(arg && fossil_isdigit(*arg)) { nReport = atoi(arg); } } return nReport; } static cson_value * json_report_create(){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_NYI, NULL); return NULL; } static cson_value * json_report_get(){ int nReport; Stmt q = empty_Stmt; cson_value * pay = NULL; if(!g.perm.TktFmt){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 't' privileges."); return NULL; } nReport = json_report_get_number(3); if(nReport <=0){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS, "Missing or invalid 'report' (-r) parameter."); return NULL; } db_prepare(&q,"SELECT rn AS report," " owner AS owner," " title AS title," " cast(strftime('%%s',mtime) as int) as timestamp," " cols as columns," " sqlcode as sqlCode" " FROM reportfmt" " WHERE rn=%d", nReport); if( SQLITE_ROW != db_step(&q) ){ db_finalize(&q); json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND, "Report #%d not found.", nReport); return NULL; } pay = cson_sqlite3_row_to_object(q.pStmt); db_finalize(&q); return pay; } /* ** Impl of /json/report/list. */ static cson_value * json_report_list(){ Blob sql = empty_blob; cson_value * pay = NULL; if(!g.perm.RdTkt){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'r' privileges."); return NULL; } blob_append(&sql, "SELECT" " rn AS report," " title as title," " owner as owner" " FROM reportfmt" " WHERE 1" " ORDER BY title", -1); pay = json_sql_to_array_of_obj(&sql, NULL, 1); if(!pay){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_UNKNOWN, "Quite unexpected: no ticket reports found."); } return pay; } /* ** Impl for /json/report/run ** ** Options/arguments: ** ** report=int (CLI: -report # or -r #) is the report number to run. ** ** limit=int (CLI: -limit # or -n #) -n is for compat. with other commands. ** ** format=a|o Specifies result format: a=each row is an arry, o=each ** row is an object. Default=o. */ static cson_value * json_report_run(){ int nReport; Stmt q = empty_Stmt; cson_object * pay = NULL; cson_array * tktList = NULL; char const * zFmt; char * zTitle = NULL; Blob sql = empty_blob; int limit = 0; cson_value * colNames = NULL; int i; if(!g.perm.RdTkt){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_DENIED, "Requires 'r' privileges."); return NULL; } nReport = json_report_get_number(3); if(nReport <=0){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_MISSING_ARGS, "Missing or invalid 'number' (-n) parameter."); goto error; } zFmt = json_find_option_cstr2("format",NULL,"f",3); if(!zFmt) zFmt = "o"; db_prepare(&q, "SELECT sqlcode, " " title" " FROM reportfmt" " WHERE rn=%d", nReport); if(SQLITE_ROW != db_step(&q)){ json_set_err(FSL_JSON_E_INVALID_ARGS, "Report number %d not found.", nReport); db_finalize(&q); goto error; } limit = json_find_option_int("limit",NULL,"n",-1); /* Copy over report's SQL...*/ blob_append(&sql, db_column_text(&q,0), -1); zTitle = mprintf("%s", db_column_text(&q,1)); db_finalize(&q); db_prepare(&q, "%s", blob_sql_text(&sql)); /** Build the response... */ pay = cson_new_object(); cson_object_set(pay, "report", json_new_int(nReport)); cson_object_set(pay, "title", json_new_string(zTitle)); if(limit>0){ cson_object_set(pay, "limit", json_new_int((limit<0) ? 0 : limit)); } free(zTitle); zTitle = NULL; if(g.perm.TktFmt){ cson_object_set(pay, "sqlcode", cson_value_new_string(blob_str(&sql), (unsigned int)blob_size(&sql))); } blob_reset(&sql); colNames = cson_sqlite3_column_names(q.pStmt); cson_object_set( pay, "columnNames", colNames); for( i = 0 ; ((limit>0) ?(i < limit) : 1) && (SQLITE_ROW == db_step(&q)); ++i){ cson_value * row = ('a'==*zFmt) ? cson_sqlite3_row_to_array(q.pStmt) : cson_sqlite3_row_to_object2(q.pStmt, cson_value_get_array(colNames)); ; if(row && !tktList){ tktList = cson_new_array(); } cson_array_append(tktList, row); } db_finalize(&q); cson_object_set(pay, "tickets", tktList ? cson_array_value(tktList) : cson_value_null()); goto end; error: assert(0 != g.json.resultCode); cson_value_free( cson_object_value(pay) ); pay = NULL; end: return pay ? cson_object_value(pay) : NULL; } static cson_value * json_report_save(){ return NULL; } #endif /* FOSSIL_ENABLE_JSON */